Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
AuthMessage |
PeerSession |
RequestedCertificateSet |
RequestedCertificateTypeIDAndFieldList |
Transport |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export interface AuthMessage {
version: string;
messageType: "initialRequest" | "initialResponse" | "certificateRequest" | "certificateResponse" | "general";
identityKey: string;
nonce?: string;
initialNonce?: string;
yourNonce?: string;
certificates?: VerifiableCertificate[];
requestedCertificates?: RequestedCertificateSet;
payload?: number[];
signature?: number[];
See also: RequestedCertificateSet, VerifiableCertificate
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export interface PeerSession {
isAuthenticated: boolean;
sessionNonce?: string;
peerNonce?: string;
peerIdentityKey?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export interface RequestedCertificateSet {
certifiers: string[];
types: RequestedCertificateTypeIDAndFieldList;
See also: RequestedCertificateTypeIDAndFieldList
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export interface RequestedCertificateTypeIDAndFieldList {
[certificateTypeID: string]: string[];
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export interface Transport {
send: (message: AuthMessage) => Promise<void>;
onData: (callback: (message: AuthMessage) => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;
See also: AuthMessage
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
AuthFetch |
Certificate |
CompletedProtoWallet |
MasterCertificate |
Peer |
SessionManager |
SimplifiedFetchTransport |
VerifiableCertificate |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
AuthFetch provides a lightweight fetch client for interacting with servers over a simplified HTTP transport mechanism. It integrates session management, peer communication, and certificate handling to enable secure and mutually-authenticated requests.
Additionally, it automatically handles 402 Payment Required responses by creating and sending BSV payment transactions when necessary.
export class AuthFetch {
peers: Record<string, AuthPeer> = {};
constructor(wallet: WalletInterface, requestedCertificates?: RequestedCertificateSet, sessionManager?: SessionManager)
async fetch(url: string, config: SimplifiedFetchRequestOptions = {}): Promise<Response>
async sendCertificateRequest(baseUrl: string, certificatesToRequest: RequestedCertificateSet): Promise<VerifiableCertificate[]>
public consumeReceivedCertificates(): VerifiableCertificate[]
See also: RequestedCertificateSet, SessionManager, VerifiableCertificate, WalletInterface
Constructs a new AuthFetch instance.
constructor(wallet: WalletInterface, requestedCertificates?: RequestedCertificateSet, sessionManager?: SessionManager)
See also: RequestedCertificateSet, SessionManager, WalletInterface
Argument Details
Return any certificates we’ve collected thus far, then clear them out.
public consumeReceivedCertificates(): VerifiableCertificate[]
See also: VerifiableCertificate
Mutually authenticates and sends a HTTP request to a server.
1) Attempt the request. 2) If 402 Payment Required, automatically create and send payment. 3) Return the final response.
async fetch(url: string, config: SimplifiedFetchRequestOptions = {}): Promise<Response>
A promise that resolves with the server’s response, structured as a Response-like object.
Argument Details
Will throw an error if unsupported headers are used or other validation fails.
Request Certificates from a Peer
async sendCertificateRequest(baseUrl: string, certificatesToRequest: RequestedCertificateSet): Promise<VerifiableCertificate[]>
See also: RequestedCertificateSet, VerifiableCertificate
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents an Identity Certificate as per the Wallet interface specifications.
This class provides methods to serialize and deserialize certificates, as well as signing and verifying the certificate’s signature.
export default class Certificate {
type: Base64String;
serialNumber: Base64String;
subject: PubKeyHex;
certifier: PubKeyHex;
revocationOutpoint: OutpointString;
fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>;
signature?: HexString;
constructor(type: Base64String, serialNumber: Base64String, subject: PubKeyHex, certifier: PubKeyHex, revocationOutpoint: OutpointString, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>, signature?: HexString)
toBinary(includeSignature: boolean = true): number[]
static fromBinary(bin: number[]): Certificate
async verify(): Promise<boolean>
async sign(certifierWallet: ProtoWallet): Promise<void>
static getCertificateFieldEncryptionDetails(fieldName: string, serialNumber?: string): {
protocolID: WalletProtocol;
keyID: string;
See also: Base64String, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, HexString, OutpointString, ProtoWallet, PubKeyHex, WalletProtocol, sign, verify
Constructs a new Certificate.
constructor(type: Base64String, serialNumber: Base64String, subject: PubKeyHex, certifier: PubKeyHex, revocationOutpoint: OutpointString, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>, signature?: HexString)
See also: Base64String, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, HexString, OutpointString, PubKeyHex
Argument Details
Public key of the certifier who issued the certificate, compressed public key hex string.
certifier: PubKeyHex
See also: PubKeyHex
All the fields present in the certificate, with field names as keys and encrypted field values as Base64 strings.
fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>
See also: Base64String, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes
The outpoint used to confirm that the certificate has not been revoked (TXID.OutputIndex), as a string.
revocationOutpoint: OutpointString
See also: OutpointString
Unique serial number of the certificate, base64 encoded string, 32 bytes.
serialNumber: Base64String
See also: Base64String
Certificate signature by the certifier’s private key, DER encoded hex string.
signature?: HexString
See also: HexString
The public key belonging to the certificate’s subject, compressed public key hex string.
subject: PubKeyHex
See also: PubKeyHex
Type identifier for the certificate, base64 encoded string, 32 bytes.
type: Base64String
See also: Base64String
Deserializes a certificate from binary format.
static fromBinary(bin: number[]): Certificate
See also: Certificate
Argument Details
Helper function which retrieves the protocol ID and key ID for certificate field encryption.
static getCertificateFieldEncryptionDetails(fieldName: string, serialNumber?: string): {
protocolID: WalletProtocol;
keyID: string;
See also: WalletProtocol
An object containing the protocol ID and key ID:
(WalletProtocol): The protocol ID for certificate field encryption.keyID
(string): A unique key identifier derived from the serial number and field name.Argument Details
Signs the certificate using the provided certifier wallet.
async sign(certifierWallet: ProtoWallet): Promise<void>
See also: ProtoWallet
Argument Details
Serializes the certificate into binary format, with or without a signature.
toBinary(includeSignature: boolean = true): number[]
Argument Details
Verifies the certificate’s signature.
async verify(): Promise<boolean>
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export class CompletedProtoWallet extends ProtoWallet implements WalletInterface {
keyDeriver: KeyDeriver;
constructor(rootKeyOrKeyDeriver: PrivateKey | "anyone" | KeyDeriverApi)
async isAuthenticated(): Promise<AuthenticatedResult>
async waitForAuthentication(): Promise<AuthenticatedResult>
async getNetwork(): Promise<GetNetworkResult>
async getVersion(): Promise<GetVersionResult>
async getPublicKey(args: GetPublicKeyArgs): Promise<{
publicKey: PubKeyHex;
async createAction(): Promise<CreateActionResult>
async signAction(): Promise<SignActionResult>
async abortAction(): Promise<AbortActionResult>
async listActions(): Promise<ListActionsResult>
async internalizeAction(): Promise<InternalizeActionResult>
async listOutputs(): Promise<ListOutputsResult>
async relinquishOutput(): Promise<RelinquishOutputResult>
async acquireCertificate(): Promise<AcquireCertificateResult>
async listCertificates(): Promise<ListCertificatesResult>
async proveCertificate(): Promise<ProveCertificateResult>
async relinquishCertificate(): Promise<RelinquishCertificateResult>
async discoverByIdentityKey(): Promise<DiscoverCertificatesResult>
async discoverByAttributes(): Promise<DiscoverCertificatesResult>
async getHeight(): Promise<GetHeightResult>
async getHeaderForHeight(): Promise<GetHeaderResult>
See also: AbortActionResult, AcquireCertificateResult, AuthenticatedResult, CreateActionResult, DiscoverCertificatesResult, GetHeaderResult, GetHeightResult, GetNetworkResult, GetPublicKeyArgs, GetVersionResult, InternalizeActionResult, KeyDeriver, KeyDeriverApi, ListActionsResult, ListCertificatesResult, ListOutputsResult, PrivateKey, ProtoWallet, ProveCertificateResult, PubKeyHex, RelinquishCertificateResult, RelinquishOutputResult, SignActionResult, WalletInterface
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
MasterCertificate extends the base Certificate class to manage a master keyring, enabling the creation of verifiable certificates.
It allows for the selective disclosure of certificate fields by creating a VerifiableCertificate
for a specific verifier.
The MasterCertificate
can securely decrypt each master key and re-encrypt it for a verifier, creating a customized
keyring containing only the keys necessary for the verifier to access designated fields.
export class MasterCertificate extends Certificate {
declare type: Base64String;
declare serialNumber: Base64String;
declare subject: PubKeyHex;
declare certifier: PubKeyHex;
declare revocationOutpoint: OutpointString;
declare fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>;
declare signature?: HexString;
masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>;
constructor(type: Base64String, serialNumber: Base64String, subject: PubKeyHex, certifier: PubKeyHex, revocationOutpoint: OutpointString, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, signature?: HexString)
static async createCertificateFields(creatorWallet: ProtoWallet, certifierOrSubject: WalletCounterparty, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>): Promise<CreateCertificateFieldsResult>
static async createKeyringForVerifier(subjectWallet: ProtoWallet, certifier: WalletCounterparty, verifier: WalletCounterparty, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, fieldsToReveal: string[], masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, serialNumber: Base64String): Promise<Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>>
static async issueCertificateForSubject(certifierWallet: ProtoWallet, subject: WalletCounterparty, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>, certificateType: string, getRevocationOutpoint = async (_serial: string): Promise<string> => {
void _serial;
return "Certificate revocation not tracked.";
}, serialNumber?: string): Promise<MasterCertificate>
static async decryptFields(subjectOrCertifierWallet: ProtoWallet, masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, counterparty: WalletCounterparty): Promise<Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>>
static async decryptField(subjectOrCertifierWallet: ProtoWallet, masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, fieldName: Base64String, fieldValue: Base64String, counterparty: WalletCounterparty): Promise<{
fieldRevelationKey: number[];
decryptedFieldValue: string;
See also: Base64String, Certificate, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, HexString, OutpointString, ProtoWallet, PubKeyHex, WalletCounterparty
Encrypts certificate fields for a subject and generates a master keyring. This method returns a master keyring tied to a specific certifier or subject who will validate and sign off on the fields, along with the encrypted certificate fields.
static async createCertificateFields(creatorWallet: ProtoWallet, certifierOrSubject: WalletCounterparty, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>): Promise<CreateCertificateFieldsResult>
See also: CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, ProtoWallet, WalletCounterparty
A promise resolving to an object containing:
{Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>}:
The encrypted certificate fields.masterKeyring
{Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>}:
The master keyring containing encrypted revelation keys for each field.Argument Details
Creates a keyring for a verifier, enabling them to decrypt specific certificate fields. This method decrypts the master field keys for the specified fields and re-encrypts them for the verifier’s identity key. The result is a keyring containing the keys necessary for the verifier to access the designated fields.
static async createKeyringForVerifier(subjectWallet: ProtoWallet, certifier: WalletCounterparty, verifier: WalletCounterparty, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, fieldsToReveal: string[], masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, serialNumber: Base64String): Promise<Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>>
See also: Base64String, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, ProtoWallet, WalletCounterparty
Argument Details
Throws an error if:
does not exist in the certificate.Decrypts all fields in the MasterCertificate using the subject’s or certifier’s wallet.
This method allows the subject or certifier to decrypt the masterKeyring
and retrieve
the encryption keys for each field, which are then used to decrypt the corresponding field values.
The counterparty used for decryption depends on how the certificate fields were created:
static async decryptFields(subjectOrCertifierWallet: ProtoWallet, masterKeyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>, counterparty: WalletCounterparty): Promise<Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>>
See also: Base64String, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, ProtoWallet, WalletCounterparty
A promise resolving to a record of field names and their decrypted values in plaintext.
Argument Details
Throws an error if the masterKeyring
is invalid or if decryption fails for any field.
Issues a new MasterCertificate for a specified subject.
This method generates a certificate containing encrypted fields and a keyring for the subject to decrypt all fields. Each field is encrypted with a randomly generated symmetric key, which is then encrypted for the subject. The certificate can also includes a revocation outpoint to manage potential revocation.
static async issueCertificateForSubject(certifierWallet: ProtoWallet, subject: WalletCounterparty, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>, certificateType: string, getRevocationOutpoint = async (_serial: string): Promise<string> => {
void _serial;
return "Certificate revocation not tracked.";
}, serialNumber?: string): Promise<MasterCertificate>
See also: CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, MasterCertificate, ProtoWallet, WalletCounterparty
Argument Details
Throws an error if any operation (e.g., encryption, signing) fails during certificate issuance.
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Represents a peer capable of performing mutual authentication. Manages sessions, handles authentication handshakes, certificate requests and responses, and sending and receiving general messages over a transport layer.
export class Peer {
public sessionManager: SessionManager;
certificatesToRequest: RequestedCertificateSet;
constructor(wallet: WalletInterface, transport: Transport, certificatesToRequest?: RequestedCertificateSet, sessionManager?: SessionManager, autoPersistLastSession?: boolean)
async toPeer(message: number[], identityKey?: string, maxWaitTime?: number): Promise<void>
async requestCertificates(certificatesToRequest: RequestedCertificateSet, identityKey?: string, maxWaitTime = 10000): Promise<void>
async getAuthenticatedSession(identityKey?: string, maxWaitTime?: number): Promise<PeerSession>
listenForGeneralMessages(callback: (senderPublicKey: string, payload: number[]) => void): number
stopListeningForGeneralMessages(callbackID: number): void
listenForCertificatesReceived(callback: (senderPublicKey: string, certs: VerifiableCertificate[]) => void): number
stopListeningForCertificatesReceived(callbackID: number): void
listenForCertificatesRequested(callback: (senderPublicKey: string, requestedCertificates: RequestedCertificateSet) => void): number
stopListeningForCertificatesRequested(callbackID: number): void
async processInitialRequest(message: AuthMessage): Promise<void>
async sendCertificateResponse(verifierIdentityKey: string, certificates: VerifiableCertificate[]): Promise<void>
See also: AuthMessage, PeerSession, RequestedCertificateSet, SessionManager, Transport, VerifiableCertificate, WalletInterface
Creates a new Peer instance
constructor(wallet: WalletInterface, transport: Transport, certificatesToRequest?: RequestedCertificateSet, sessionManager?: SessionManager, autoPersistLastSession?: boolean)
See also: RequestedCertificateSet, SessionManager, Transport, WalletInterface
Argument Details
Retrieves an authenticated session for a given peer identity. If no session exists or the session is not authenticated, initiates a handshake to create or authenticate the session.
async getAuthenticatedSession(identityKey?: string, maxWaitTime?: number): Promise<PeerSession>
See also: PeerSession
.Argument Details
Registers a callback to listen for certificates received from peers.
listenForCertificatesReceived(callback: (senderPublicKey: string, certs: VerifiableCertificate[]) => void): number
See also: VerifiableCertificate
The ID of the callback listener.
Argument Details
Registers a callback to listen for certificates requested from peers.
listenForCertificatesRequested(callback: (senderPublicKey: string, requestedCertificates: RequestedCertificateSet) => void): number
See also: RequestedCertificateSet
The ID of the callback listener.
Argument Details
Registers a callback to listen for general messages from peers.
listenForGeneralMessages(callback: (senderPublicKey: string, payload: number[]) => void): number
The ID of the callback listener.
Argument Details
Processes an initial request message from a peer.
async processInitialRequest(message: AuthMessage): Promise<void>
See also: AuthMessage
Argument Details
Sends a request for certificates to a peer. This method allows a peer to dynamically request specific certificates after an initial handshake or message has been exchanged.
async requestCertificates(certificatesToRequest: RequestedCertificateSet, identityKey?: string, maxWaitTime = 10000): Promise<void>
See also: RequestedCertificateSet
Resolves if the certificate request message is successfully sent.
Argument Details
Will throw an error if the peer session is not authenticated or if sending the request fails.
Sends a certificate response message containing the specified certificates to a peer.
async sendCertificateResponse(verifierIdentityKey: string, certificates: VerifiableCertificate[]): Promise<void>
See also: VerifiableCertificate
Argument Details
Throws an error if the peer session could not be authenticated or if message signing fails.
Cancels and unsubscribes a certificatesReceived listener.
stopListeningForCertificatesReceived(callbackID: number): void
Argument Details
Cancels and unsubscribes a certificatesRequested listener.
stopListeningForCertificatesRequested(callbackID: number): void
Argument Details
Removes a general message listener.
stopListeningForGeneralMessages(callbackID: number): void
Argument Details
Sends a general message to a peer, and initiates a handshake if necessary.
async toPeer(message: number[], identityKey?: string, maxWaitTime?: number): Promise<void>
Argument Details
Will throw an error if the message fails to send.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Manages sessions for peers, allowing sessions to be added, retrieved, updated, and removed by relevant identifiers (sessionNonce and peerIdentityKey).
export class SessionManager {
addSession(session: PeerSession): void
updateSession(session: PeerSession): void
getSession(identifier: string): PeerSession | undefined
removeSession(session: PeerSession): void
hasSession(identifier: string): boolean
See also: PeerSession
Adds a session to the manager, associating it with relevant identifiers for retrieval.
addSession(session: PeerSession): void
See also: PeerSession
Argument Details
Retrieves a session based on a given identifier.
getSession(identifier: string): PeerSession | undefined
See also: PeerSession
Argument Details
Checks if a session exists based on a given identifier.
hasSession(identifier: string): boolean
Argument Details
Removes a session from the manager by clearing all associated identifiers.
removeSession(session: PeerSession): void
See also: PeerSession
Argument Details
Updates a session in the manager, ensuring that all identifiers are correctly associated.
updateSession(session: PeerSession): void
See also: PeerSession
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Implements an HTTP-specific transport for handling Peer mutual authentication messages. This class integrates with fetch to send and receive authenticated messages between peers.
export class SimplifiedFetchTransport implements Transport {
fetchClient: typeof fetch;
baseUrl: string;
constructor(baseUrl: string, fetchClient = defaultFetch)
async send(message: AuthMessage): Promise<void>
async onData(callback: (message: AuthMessage) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>
deserializeRequestPayload(payload: number[]): {
method: string;
urlPostfix: string;
headers: Record<string, string>;
body: number[];
requestId: string;
See also: AuthMessage, Transport
Constructs a new instance of SimplifiedFetchTransport.
constructor(baseUrl: string, fetchClient = defaultFetch)
Argument Details
Deserializes a request payload from a byte array into an HTTP request-like structure.
deserializeRequestPayload(payload: number[]): {
method: string;
urlPostfix: string;
headers: Record<string, string>;
body: number[];
requestId: string;
An object representing the deserialized request, including the method, URL postfix (path and query string), headers, body, and request ID.
Argument Details
Registers a callback to handle incoming messages. This must be called before sending any messages to ensure responses can be processed.
async onData(callback: (message: AuthMessage) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>
See also: AuthMessage
A promise that resolves once the callback is set.
Argument Details
Sends a message to an HTTP server using the transport mechanism.
Handles both general and authenticated message types. For general messages,
the payload is deserialized and sent as an HTTP request. For other message types,
the message is sent as a POST request to the /auth
async send(message: AuthMessage): Promise<void>
See also: AuthMessage
A promise that resolves when the message is successfully sent.
Argument Details
Will throw an error if no listener has been registered via onData
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
VerifiableCertificate extends the Certificate class, adding functionality to manage a verifier-specific keyring. This keyring allows selective decryption of certificate fields for authorized verifiers.
export class VerifiableCertificate extends Certificate {
declare type: Base64String;
declare serialNumber: Base64String;
declare subject: PubKeyHex;
declare certifier: PubKeyHex;
declare revocationOutpoint: OutpointString;
declare fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>;
declare signature?: HexString;
keyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>;
decryptedFields?: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>;
constructor(type: Base64String, serialNumber: Base64String, subject: PubKeyHex, certifier: PubKeyHex, revocationOutpoint: OutpointString, fields: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>, keyring: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>, signature?: HexString, decryptedFields?: Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, Base64String>)
async decryptFields(verifierWallet: ProtoWallet): Promise<Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>>
See also: Base64String, Certificate, CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, HexString, OutpointString, ProtoWallet, PubKeyHex
Decrypts selectively revealed certificate fields using the provided keyring and verifier wallet
async decryptFields(verifierWallet: ProtoWallet): Promise<Record<CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>>
See also: CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, ProtoWallet
Argument Details
Throws an error if any of the decryption operations fail, with a message indicating the failure context.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
createNonce |
verifyNonce |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Creates a nonce derived from a wallet
export async function createNonce(wallet: WalletInterface, counterparty: WalletCounterparty = "self"): Promise<string>
See also: WalletCounterparty, WalletInterface
A random nonce derived with a wallet
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Verifies a nonce derived from a wallet
export async function verifyNonce(nonce: string, wallet: WalletInterface, counterparty: WalletCounterparty = "self"): Promise<boolean>
See also: WalletCounterparty, WalletInterface
The status of the validation
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
getVerifiableCertificates |
validateCertificates |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
getVerifiableCertificates = async (wallet: WalletInterface, requestedCertificates: RequestedCertificateSet, verifierIdentityKey: string): Promise<VerifiableCertificate[]> => {
const matchingCertificates = await wallet.listCertificates({
certifiers: requestedCertificates.certifiers,
types: Object.keys(requestedCertificates.types)
return await Promise.all( (certificate) => {
const { keyringForVerifier } = await wallet.proveCertificate({
fieldsToReveal: requestedCertificates.types[certificate.type],
verifier: verifierIdentityKey
return new VerifiableCertificate(certificate.type, certificate.serialNumber, certificate.subject, certificate.certifier, certificate.revocationOutpoint, certificate.fields, keyringForVerifier, certificate.signature);
See also: RequestedCertificateSet, VerifiableCertificate, WalletInterface
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
validateCertificates = async (verifierWallet: WalletInterface, message: AuthMessage, certificatesRequested?: RequestedCertificateSet): Promise<void> => {
if ((message.certificates == null) || message.certificates.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No certificates were provided in the AuthMessage.");
await Promise.all( (incomingCert: VerifiableCertificate) => {
if (incomingCert.subject !== message.identityKey) {
throw new Error(`The subject of one of your certificates ("${incomingCert.subject}") is not the same as the request sender ("${message.identityKey}").`);
const certToVerify = new VerifiableCertificate(incomingCert.type, incomingCert.serialNumber, incomingCert.subject, incomingCert.certifier, incomingCert.revocationOutpoint, incomingCert.fields, incomingCert.keyring, incomingCert.signature);
const isValidCert = await certToVerify.verify();
if (!isValidCert) {
throw new Error(`The signature for the certificate with serial number ${certToVerify.serialNumber} is invalid!`);
if (certificatesRequested != null) {
const { certifiers, types } = certificatesRequested;
if (!certifiers.includes(certToVerify.certifier)) {
throw new Error(`Certificate with serial number ${certToVerify.serialNumber} has an unrequested certifier: ${certToVerify.certifier}`);
const requestedFields = types[certToVerify.type];
if (requestedFields == null) {
throw new Error(`Certificate with type ${certToVerify.type} was not requested`);
await certToVerify.decryptFields(verifierWallet);
See also: AuthMessage, Certificate, RequestedCertificateSet, VerifiableCertificate, WalletInterface, verify
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables