

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables




Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: ECIES

export default class ECIES {
    public static ivkEkM(privKey: PrivateKey, pubKey: PublicKey): {
        iv: number[];
        kE: number[];
        kM: number[];
    public static electrumEncrypt(messageBuf: number[], toPublicKey: PublicKey, fromPrivateKey?: PrivateKey, noKey = false): number[] 
    public static electrumDecrypt(encBuf: number[], toPrivateKey: PrivateKey, fromPublicKey?: PublicKey): number[] 
    public static bitcoreEncrypt(messageBuf: number[], toPublicKey: PublicKey, fromPrivateKey?: PrivateKey, ivBuf?: number[]): number[] 
    public static bitcoreDecrypt(encBuf: number[], toPrivateKey: PrivateKey): number[] 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey

Method bitcoreDecrypt

Decrypts a message encrypted using the Bitcore variant of ECIES.

public static bitcoreDecrypt(encBuf: number[], toPrivateKey: PrivateKey): number[] 

See also: PrivateKey


The decrypted message as a number array.

Argument Details

Method bitcoreEncrypt

Encrypts a given message using the Bitcore variant of ECIES.

public static bitcoreEncrypt(messageBuf: number[], toPublicKey: PublicKey, fromPrivateKey?: PrivateKey, ivBuf?: number[]): number[] 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


The encrypted message as a number array.

Argument Details

Method electrumDecrypt

Decrypts a message encrypted using the Electrum ECIES method.

public static electrumDecrypt(encBuf: number[], toPrivateKey: PrivateKey, fromPublicKey?: PublicKey): number[] 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


The decrypted message as a number array.

Argument Details

Method electrumEncrypt

Encrypts a given message using the Electrum ECIES method.

public static electrumEncrypt(messageBuf: number[], toPublicKey: PublicKey, fromPrivateKey?: PrivateKey, noKey = false): number[] 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


The encrypted message as a number array.

Argument Details

Method ivkEkM

Generates the initialization vector (iv), encryption key (kE), and MAC key (kM) using the sender’s private key and receiver’s public key.

public static ivkEkM(privKey: PrivateKey, pubKey: PublicKey): {
    iv: number[];
    kE: number[];
    kM: number[];

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


An object containing the iv, kE, and kM as number arrays.

Argument Details

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Class: HD

export default class HD {
    versionBytesNum: number;
    depth: number;
    parentFingerPrint: number[];
    childIndex: number;
    chainCode: number[];
    privKey: PrivateKey;
    pubKey: PublicKey;
    constants = {
        pubKey: 76067358,
        privKey: 76066276
    constructor(versionBytesNum?: number, depth?: number, parentFingerPrint?: number[], childIndex?: number, chainCode?: number[], privKey?: PrivateKey, pubKey?: PublicKey) 
    public fromRandom(): this 
    public static fromRandom(): HD 
    public static fromString(str: string): HD 
    public fromString(str: string): this 
    public static fromSeed(bytes: number[]): HD 
    public fromSeed(bytes: number[]): this 
    public static fromBinary(buf: number[]): HD 
    public fromBinary(buf: number[]): this 
    public toString(): string 
    public derive(path: string): HD 
    public deriveChild(i: number): HD 
    public toPublic(): HD 
    public toBinary(): number[] 
    public isPrivate(): boolean 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


Constructor for the BIP32 HD wallet. Initializes an HD wallet with optional parameters for version bytes, depth, parent fingerprint, child index, chain code, private key, and public key.

constructor(versionBytesNum?: number, depth?: number, parentFingerPrint?: number[], childIndex?: number, chainCode?: number[], privKey?: PrivateKey, pubKey?: PublicKey) 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey

Argument Details

Method derive

Derives a child HD wallet based on a given path. The path specifies the hierarchy of the child key to be derived.

public derive(path: string): HD 

See also: HD


A new HD instance representing the derived child wallet.

Argument Details

Method deriveChild

Derives a child HD wallet from the current wallet based on an index. This method generates either a private or public child key depending on the current wallet’s state.

public deriveChild(i: number): HD 

See also: HD


A new HD instance representing the derived child wallet.

Argument Details

Method fromBinary

Initializes the HD wallet from a binary buffer. Parses a binary buffer to set up the wallet’s properties.

public static fromBinary(buf: number[]): HD 

See also: HD


The new instance with properties set from the buffer.

Argument Details

Method fromBinary

Initializes the HD wallet from a binary buffer. Parses a binary buffer to set up the wallet’s properties.

public fromBinary(buf: number[]): this 


The current instance with properties set from the buffer.

Argument Details

Method fromRandom

Generates a new HD wallet with random keys. This method creates a root HD wallet with randomly generated private and public keys.

public fromRandom(): this 


The current HD instance with generated keys.

Method fromRandom

Generates a new HD wallet with random keys. This method creates a root HD wallet with randomly generated private and public keys.

public static fromRandom(): HD 

See also: HD


A new HD instance with generated keys.

Method fromSeed

Initializes the HD wallet from a seed. This method generates keys and other properties from a given seed, conforming to the BIP32 specification.

public static fromSeed(bytes: number[]): HD 

See also: HD


The current instance with properties set from the seed.

Argument Details

Method fromSeed

Initializes the HD wallet from a seed. This method generates keys and other properties from a given seed, conforming to the BIP32 specification.

public fromSeed(bytes: number[]): this 


The current instance with properties set from the seed.

Argument Details

Method fromString

Initializes the HD wallet from a given base58 encoded string. This method decodes a provided string to set up the HD wallet’s properties.

public static fromString(str: string): HD 

See also: HD


The new instance with properties set from the string.

Argument Details

Method fromString

Initializes the HD wallet from a given base58 encoded string. This method decodes a provided string to set up the HD wallet’s properties.

public fromString(str: string): this 


The current instance with properties set from the string.

Argument Details

Method isPrivate

Checks if the HD wallet contains a private key. This method determines whether the wallet is a private key wallet or a public key only wallet.

public isPrivate(): boolean 


A boolean value indicating whether the wallet has a private key (true) or not (false).

Method toBinary

Converts the HD wallet into a binary representation. This method serializes the wallet’s properties into a binary format.

public toBinary(): number[] 


An array of numbers representing the binary data of the wallet.

Method toPublic

Converts the current HD wallet to a public-only wallet. This method strips away the private key information, leaving only the public part.

public toPublic(): HD 

See also: HD


A new HD instance representing the public-only wallet.

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

Converts the HD wallet to a base58 encoded string. This method provides a string representation of the HD wallet’s current state.

public toString(): string 


A base58 encoded string of the HD wallet.

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Class: Mnemonic

export default class Mnemonic {
    public mnemonic: string;
    public seed: number[];
    public Wordlist: {
        value: string[];
        space: string;
    constructor(mnemonic?: string, seed?: number[], wordlist = wordList) 
    public toBinary(): number[] 
    public fromBinary(bin: number[]): this 
    public fromRandom(bits?: number): this 
    public static fromRandom(bits?: number): Mnemonic 
    public fromEntropy(buf: number[]): this 
    public static fromEntropy(buf: number[]): Mnemonic 
    public fromString(mnemonic: string): this 
    public static fromString(str: string): Mnemonic 
    public toString(): string 
    public toSeed(passphrase?: string): number[] 
    public entropy2Mnemonic(buf: number[]): this 
    public check(): boolean 
    public mnemonic2Seed(passphrase = ""): this 
    public isValid(passphrase = ""): boolean 
    public static isValid(mnemonic: string, passphrase = ""): boolean 

See also: wordList


Constructs a Mnemonic object.

constructor(mnemonic?: string, seed?: number[], wordlist = wordList) 

See also: wordList

Argument Details

Method check

Validates the mnemonic phrase. Checks for correct length, absence of invalid words, and proper checksum.

public check(): boolean 


True if the mnemonic is valid, false otherwise.


If the mnemonic is not an even multiple of 11 bits.

Method entropy2Mnemonic

Converts entropy to a mnemonic phrase. This method takes a buffer of entropy and converts it into a corresponding mnemonic phrase based on the Mnemonic wordlist. The entropy should be at least 128 bits. The method applies a checksum and maps the entropy to words in the wordlist.

public entropy2Mnemonic(buf: number[]): this 


The Mnemonic instance with the mnemonic set from the entropy.

Argument Details


If the entropy is less than 128 bits or if it’s not an even multiple of 11 bits.

Method fromBinary

Loads a mnemonic and seed from a binary representation.

public fromBinary(bin: number[]): this 


The Mnemonic instance with loaded mnemonic and seed.

Argument Details

Method fromEntropy

Converts given entropy into a mnemonic phrase. This method is used to generate a mnemonic from a specific entropy source.

public fromEntropy(buf: number[]): this 


The Mnemonic instance with the mnemonic set from the given entropy.

Argument Details


If the entropy is less than 128 bits.

Method fromEntropy

Static method to create a Mnemonic instance from a given entropy.

public static fromEntropy(buf: number[]): Mnemonic 

See also: Mnemonic


A new Mnemonic instance.

Argument Details

Method fromRandom

Generates a random mnemonic from a given bit length.

public fromRandom(bits?: number): this 


The Mnemonic instance with the new random mnemonic.

Argument Details


If the bit length is not a multiple of 32 or is less than 128.

Method fromRandom

Static method to generate a Mnemonic instance with a random mnemonic.

public static fromRandom(bits?: number): Mnemonic 

See also: Mnemonic


A new Mnemonic instance.

Argument Details

Method fromString

Sets the mnemonic for the instance from a string.

public fromString(mnemonic: string): this 


The Mnemonic instance with the set mnemonic.

Argument Details

Method fromString

Static method to create a Mnemonic instance from a mnemonic string.

public static fromString(str: string): Mnemonic 

See also: Mnemonic


A new Mnemonic instance.

Argument Details

Method isValid

Determines the validity of a given passphrase with the mnemonic. This method is useful for checking if a passphrase matches with the mnemonic.

public isValid(passphrase = ""): boolean 


True if the mnemonic and passphrase combination is valid, false otherwise.

Argument Details

Method isValid

Static method to check the validity of a given mnemonic and passphrase combination.

public static isValid(mnemonic: string, passphrase = ""): boolean 


True if the combination is valid, false otherwise.

Argument Details

Method mnemonic2Seed

Converts a mnemonic to a seed. This method takes the instance’s mnemonic phrase, combines it with a passphrase (if provided), and uses PBKDF2 to generate a seed. It also validates the mnemonic before conversion. This seed can then be used for generating deterministic keys.

public mnemonic2Seed(passphrase = ""): this 


The Mnemonic instance with the seed generated from the mnemonic.

Argument Details


If the mnemonic does not pass validation or if the passphrase is not a string.

Method toBinary

Converts the mnemonic and seed into a binary representation.

public toBinary(): number[] 


The binary representation of the mnemonic and seed.

Method toSeed

Converts the mnemonic to a seed. The mnemonic must pass the validity check before conversion.

public toSeed(passphrase?: string): number[] 


The generated seed.

Argument Details


If the mnemonic is invalid.

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

Converts the instance’s mnemonic to a string representation.

public toString(): string 


The mnemonic phrase as a string.

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Function: fromUtxo


const i = fromUtxo({
  txid: '434555433eaca96dff6e71a4d02febd0dd3832e5ca4e5734623ca914522e17d5',
  vout: 0,
  script: '51',
  satoshis: 1234
}, new P2PKH().unlock(p))

export default function fromUtxo(utxo: jsonUtxo, unlockingScriptTemplate: {
    sign: (tx: Transaction, inputIndex: number) => Promise<UnlockingScript>;
    estimateLength: (tx: Transaction, inputIndex: number) => Promise<number>;
}): TransactionInput 

See also: Transaction, TransactionInput, UnlockingScript, sign

Argument Details

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Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: magicHash

magicHash = (messageBuf: number[]): number[] => {
    const bw = new Writer();
    bw.write(toArray(prefix, "utf8"));
    const buf = bw.toArray();
    const hashBuf = Hash.hash256(buf);
    return hashBuf;

See also: Writer, hash256, toArray

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sign

sign = (message: number[], privateKey: PrivateKey, mode: "raw" | "base64" = "base64"): Signature | string => {
    const hashBuf = magicHash(message);
    const sig = ECDSA.sign(new BigNumber(hashBuf), privateKey, true);
    if (mode === "raw") {
        return sig;
    const h = new BigNumber(hashBuf);
    const r = sig.CalculateRecoveryFactor(privateKey.toPublicKey(), h);
    return sig.toCompact(r, true, "base64") as string;

See also: BigNumber, PrivateKey, Signature, magicHash

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: verify

verify = (message: number[], sig: Signature, pubKey: PublicKey): boolean => {
    const hashBuf = magicHash(message);
    return ECDSA.verify(new BigNumber(hashBuf), sig, pubKey);

See also: BigNumber, PublicKey, Signature, magicHash

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: wordList

wordList = {
    value: [
    space: " "

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