Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Configuration options for the ARC broadcaster.
export interface ArcConfig {
apiKey?: string;
httpClient?: HttpClient;
deploymentId?: string;
callbackUrl?: string;
callbackToken?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
See also: HttpClient
Authentication token for the ARC API
apiKey?: string
default access token for notification callback endpoint. It will be used as a Authorization header for the http callback
callbackToken?: string
notification callback endpoint for proofs and double spend notification
callbackUrl?: string
Deployment id used annotating api calls in XDeployment-ID header - this value will be randomly generated if not set
deploymentId?: string
additional headers to be attached to all tx submissions.
headers?: Record<string, string>
The HTTP client used to make requests to the ARC API.
httpClient?: HttpClient
See also: HttpClient
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Defines the structure of a failed broadcast response.
export interface BroadcastFailure {
status: "error";
code: string;
txid?: string;
description: string;
more?: object;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Defines the structure of a successful broadcast response.
export interface BroadcastResponse {
status: "success";
txid: string;
message: string;
competingTxs?: string[];
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents the interface for a transaction broadcaster. This interface defines a standard method for broadcasting transactions.
export interface Broadcaster {
broadcast: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure>;
broadcastMany?: (txs: Transaction[]) => Promise<object[]>;
See also: BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse, Transaction
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
The Chain Tracker is responsible for verifying the validity of a given Merkle root for a specific block height within the blockchain.
Chain Trackers ensure the integrity of the blockchain by validating new headers against the chain’s history. They use accumulated proof-of-work and protocol adherence as metrics to assess the legitimacy of blocks.
const chainTracker = {
isValidRootForHeight: async (root, height) => {
// Implementation to check if the Merkle root is valid for the specified block height.
currentHeight: async () => {
// Implementation to get the current block height.
export default interface ChainTracker {
isValidRootForHeight: (root: string, height: number) => Promise<boolean>;
currentHeight: () => Promise<number>;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents the interface for a transaction fee model. This interface defines a standard method for computing a fee when given a transaction.
export default interface FeeModel {
computeFee: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<number>;
See also: Transaction
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
An interface for configuration of the request to be passed to the fetch method limited to options needed by ts-sdk.
export interface FetchOptions {
method?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
body?: string | null;
An object or null to set request’s body.
body?: string | null
An object literal set request’s headers.
headers?: Record<string, string>
A string to set request’s method.
method?: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
An interface for HTTP client used to make HTTP requests.
export interface HttpClient {
request: <T = any, D = any>(url: string, options: HttpClientRequestOptions<D>) => Promise<HttpClientResponse<T>>;
See also: HttpClientRequestOptions, HttpClientResponse
Makes a request to the server.
request: <T = any, D = any>(url: string, options: HttpClientRequestOptions<D>) => Promise<HttpClientResponse<T>>
See also: HttpClientRequestOptions, HttpClientResponse
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
An interface for configuration of the request to be passed to the request method.
export interface HttpClientRequestOptions<Data = any> {
method?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
data?: Data;
An object or null to set request’s body.
data?: Data
An object literal set request’s headers.
headers?: Record<string, string>
A string to set request’s method.
method?: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Node Https module interface limited to options needed by ts-sdk
export interface HttpsNodejs {
request: (url: string, options: HttpClientRequestOptions, callback: (res: any) => void) => NodejsHttpClientRequest;
See also: HttpClientRequestOptions, NodejsHttpClientRequest
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export interface MerklePathLeaf {
offset: number;
hash?: string;
txid?: boolean;
duplicate?: boolean;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Nodejs result of the Node https.request call limited to options needed by ts-sdk
export interface NodejsHttpClientRequest {
write: (chunk: string) => void;
on: (event: string, callback: (data: any) => void) => void;
end: (() => void) & (() => void);
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents an input to a Bitcoin transaction. This interface defines the structure and components required to construct a transaction input in the Bitcoin blockchain.
// Creating a simple transaction input
let txInput = {
sourceTXID: '123abc...',
sourceOutputIndex: 0,
sequence: 0xFFFFFFFF
// Using an unlocking script template
txInput.unlockingScriptTemplate = {
sign: async (tx, index) => { ... },
estimateLength: async (tx, index) => { ... }
export default interface TransactionInput {
sourceTransaction?: Transaction;
sourceTXID?: string;
sourceOutputIndex: number;
unlockingScript?: UnlockingScript;
unlockingScriptTemplate?: {
sign: (tx: Transaction, inputIndex: number) => Promise<UnlockingScript>;
estimateLength: (tx: Transaction, inputIndex: number) => Promise<number>;
sequence?: number;
See also: Transaction, UnlockingScript, sign
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents an output in a Bitcoin transaction. This interface defines the structure and components necessary to construct a transaction output, which secures owned Bitcoins to be unlocked later.
// Creating a simple transaction output
let txOutput = {
satoshis: 1000,
lockingScript: LockingScript.fromASM('OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ... OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG'),
change: false
export default interface TransactionOutput {
satoshis?: number;
lockingScript: LockingScript;
change?: boolean;
See also: LockingScript
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Configuration options for the WhatsOnChain ChainTracker.
export interface WhatsOnChainConfig {
apiKey?: string;
httpClient?: HttpClient;
See also: HttpClient
Authentication token for the WhatsOnChain API
apiKey?: string
The HTTP client used to make requests to the API.
httpClient?: HttpClient
See also: HttpClient
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Beef |
BeefParty |
BeefTx |
FetchHttpClient |
MerklePath |
NodejsHttpClient |
SatoshisPerKilobyte |
Transaction |
WhatsOnChain |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents an ARC transaction broadcaster.
export default class ARC implements Broadcaster {
readonly URL: string;
readonly apiKey: string | undefined;
readonly deploymentId: string;
readonly callbackUrl: string | undefined;
readonly callbackToken: string | undefined;
readonly headers: Record<string, string> | undefined;
constructor(URL: string, config?: ArcConfig);
constructor(URL: string, apiKey?: string);
constructor(URL: string, config?: string | ArcConfig)
async broadcast(tx: Transaction): Promise<BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure>
async broadcastMany(txs: Transaction[]): Promise<object[]>
See also: ArcConfig, BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse, Broadcaster, Transaction
Constructs an instance of the ARC broadcaster.
constructor(URL: string, config?: ArcConfig)
See also: ArcConfig
Argument Details
Constructs an instance of the ARC broadcaster.
constructor(URL: string, apiKey?: string)
Argument Details
Broadcasts a transaction via ARC.
async broadcast(tx: Transaction): Promise<BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure>
See also: BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse, Transaction
A promise that resolves to either a success or failure response.
Argument Details
Broadcasts multiple transactions via ARC. Handles mixed responses where some transactions succeed and others fail.
async broadcastMany(txs: Transaction[]): Promise<object[]>
See also: Transaction
A promise that resolves to an array of objects.
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export class Beef {
bumps: MerklePath[] = [];
txs: BeefTx[] = [];
version: number = BEEF_V2;
atomicTxid: string | undefined = undefined;
constructor(version: number = BEEF_V2)
findTxid(txid: string): BeefTx | undefined
makeTxidOnly(txid: string): BeefTx | undefined
findBump(txid: string): MerklePath | undefined
findTransactionForSigning(txid: string): Transaction | undefined
findAtomicTransaction(txid: string): Transaction | undefined
mergeBump(bump: MerklePath): number
mergeRawTx(rawTx: number[], bumpIndex?: number): BeefTx
mergeTransaction(tx: Transaction): BeefTx
removeExistingTxid(txid: string): void
mergeTxidOnly(txid: string): BeefTx
mergeBeefTx(btx: BeefTx): BeefTx
mergeBeef(beef: number[] | Beef): void
isValid(allowTxidOnly?: boolean): boolean
async verify(chainTracker: ChainTracker, allowTxidOnly?: boolean): Promise<boolean>
toWriter(writer: Writer): void
toBinary(): number[]
toBinaryAtomic(txid: string): number[]
toHex(): string
static fromReader(br: Reader): Beef
static fromBinary(bin: number[]): Beef
static fromString(s: string, enc: "hex" | "utf8" | "base64" = "hex"): Beef
sortTxs(): {
missingInputs: string[];
notValid: string[];
valid: string[];
withMissingInputs: string[];
txidOnly: string[];
clone(): Beef
trimKnownTxids(knownTxids: string[]): void
getValidTxids(): string[]
toLogString(): string
addComputedLeaves(): void
See also: BEEF_V2, BeefTx, ChainTracker, MerklePath, Reader, Transaction, Writer, toHex, verify
In some circumstances it may be helpful for the BUMP MerklePaths to include leaves that can be computed from row zero.
addComputedLeaves(): void
clone(): Beef
See also: Beef
a shallow copy of this beef
Builds the proof tree rooted at a specific Transaction
To succeed, the Beef must contain all the required transaction and merkle path data.
findAtomicTransaction(txid: string): Transaction | undefined
See also: Transaction
Transaction with input SourceTransaction
and MerklePath
populated from this Beef.
Argument Details
findBump(txid: string): MerklePath | undefined
See also: MerklePath
with level zero hash equal to txid or undefined.
Finds a Transaction in this Beef
and adds any missing input SourceTransactions from this Beef
The result is suitable for signing.
findTransactionForSigning(txid: string): Transaction | undefined
See also: Transaction
Transaction with all available input SourceTransaction
s from this Beef.
Argument Details
findTxid(txid: string): BeefTx | undefined
See also: BeefTx
in txs
with txid
Argument Details
to findConstructs an instance of the Beef class based on the provided binary array
static fromBinary(bin: number[]): Beef
See also: Beef
An instance of the Beef class constructed from the binary data
Argument Details
Constructs an instance of the Beef class based on the provided string
static fromString(s: string, enc: "hex" | "utf8" | "base64" = "hex"): Beef
See also: Beef
An instance of the Beef class constructed from the string
Argument Details
getValidTxids(): string[]
array of transaction txids that either have a proof or whose inputs chain back to a proven transaction.
Sorts txs
and checks structural validity of beef.
Does NOT verify merkle roots.
Validity requirements:
is true.isValid(allowTxidOnly?: boolean): boolean
Argument Details
Replaces BeefTx
for this txid with txidOnly.
Replacement is done so that a clone()
can be
updated by this method without affecting the
makeTxidOnly(txid: string): BeefTx | undefined
See also: BeefTx
undefined if txid is unknown.
Merge a MerklePath that is assumed to be fully valid.
mergeBump(bump: MerklePath): number
See also: MerklePath
index of merged bump
Merge a serialized transaction.
Checks that a transaction with the same txid hasn’t already been merged.
Replaces existing transaction with same txid.
mergeRawTx(rawTx: number[], bumpIndex?: number): BeefTx
See also: BeefTx
txid of rawTx
Argument Details
Merge a Transaction
and any referenced merklePath
and sourceTransaction
, recursifely.
Replaces existing transaction with same txid.
Attempts to match an existing bump to the new transaction.
mergeTransaction(tx: Transaction): BeefTx
See also: BeefTx, Transaction
txid of tx
Removes an existing transaction from the BEEF, given its TXID
removeExistingTxid(txid: string): void
Argument Details
Sort the txs
by input txid dependency order:
with proof (MerklePath) last, longest chain of dependencies first
sortTxs(): {
missingInputs: string[];
notValid: string[];
valid: string[];
withMissingInputs: string[];
txidOnly: string[];
{ missingInputs, notValid, valid, withMissingInputs }
Returns a binary array representing the serialized BEEF
toBinary(): number[]
A binary array representing the BEEF
Serialize this Beef as AtomicBEEF.
must exist
after sorting, if txid is not last txid, creates a clone and removes newer txs
toBinaryAtomic(txid: string): number[]
serialized contents of this Beef with AtomicBEEF prefix.
Returns a hex string representing the serialized BEEF
toHex(): string
A hex string representing the BEEF
toLogString(): string
Summary of Beef
contents as multi-line string.
Serializes this data to writer
toWriter(writer: Writer): void
See also: Writer
Ensure that all the txids in knownTxids
are txidOnly
trimKnownTxids(knownTxids: string[]): void
Sorts txs
and confirms validity of transaction data contained in beef
by validating structure of this beef and confirming computed merkle roots
using chainTracker
Validity requirements:
is true.async verify(chainTracker: ChainTracker, allowTxidOnly?: boolean): Promise<boolean>
See also: ChainTracker
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Extends Beef
that is used to exchange transaction validity data with more than one external party.
Use addKnownTxidsForParty
to keep track of who knows what to reduce re-transmission of potentially large transactions.
Use getTrimmedBeefForParty
to obtain a Beef
trimmed of transaction validity data known to a specific party.
Typical usage scenario:
By default, each Beef is required to be complete and valid: All transactions appear as full serialized bitcoin transactions and each transaction either has a merkle path proof (it has been mined) or all of its input transactions are included.
The size and redundancy of these Beefs becomes a problem when chained transaction creation out-paces the block mining rate.
export class BeefParty extends Beef {
knownTo: Record<string, Record<string, boolean>> = {};
constructor(parties?: string[])
isParty(party: string): boolean
addParty(party: string): void
getKnownTxidsForParty(party: string): string[]
getTrimmedBeefForParty(party: string): Beef
addKnownTxidsForParty(party: string, knownTxids: string[]): void
mergeBeefFromParty(party: string, beef: number[] | Beef): void
See also: Beef
constructor(parties?: string[])
Argument Details
keys are party identifiers. values are records of txids with truthy value for which the party already has validity proof.
knownTo: Record<string, Record<string, boolean>> = {}
Make note of additional txids “known” to party
addKnownTxidsForParty(party: string, knownTxids: string[]): void
Argument Details
Adds a new unique party identifier to this BeefParty
addParty(party: string): void
getKnownTxidsForParty(party: string): string[]
Array of txids “known” to party
getTrimmedBeefForParty(party: string): Beef
See also: Beef
trimmed beef of unknown transactions and proofs for party
isParty(party: string): boolean
if party
has already been added to this BeefParty
Merge a beef
received from a specific party
Updates this BeefParty
to track all the txids
corresponding to transactions for which party
has raw transaction and validity proof data.
mergeBeefFromParty(party: string, beef: number[] | Beef): void
See also: Beef
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
A single bitcoin transaction associated with a Beef
validity proof set.
Simple case is transaction data included directly, either as raw bytes or fully parsed data, or both.
Supports ‘known’ transactions which are represented by just their txid. It is assumed that intended consumer of this beef already has validity proof for such a transaction, which they can merge if necessary to create a valid beef.
export default class BeefTx {
_bumpIndex?: number;
_tx?: Transaction;
_rawTx?: number[];
_txid?: string;
inputTxids: string[] = [];
isValid?: boolean = undefined;
get bumpIndex(): number | undefined
set bumpIndex(v: number | undefined)
get hasProof(): boolean
get isTxidOnly(): boolean
get txid(): string
get tx(): Transaction | undefined
get rawTx(): number[] | undefined
constructor(tx: Transaction | number[] | string, bumpIndex?: number)
static fromTx(tx: Transaction, bumpIndex?: number): BeefTx
static fromRawTx(rawTx: number[], bumpIndex?: number): BeefTx
static fromTxid(txid: string, bumpIndex?: number): BeefTx
toWriter(writer: Writer, version: number): void
static fromReader(br: Reader, version: number): BeefTx
See also: Reader, Transaction, Writer
constructor(tx: Transaction | number[] | string, bumpIndex?: number)
See also: Transaction
Argument Details
must be a valid serialized transaction.true if hasProof
or all inputs chain to hasProof
Typically set by sorting transactions by proven dependency chains.
isValid?: boolean = undefined
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Adapter for Node Https module to be used as HttpClient
export class FetchHttpClient implements HttpClient {
constructor(private readonly fetch: Fetch)
async request<D>(url: string, options: HttpClientRequestOptions): Promise<HttpClientResponse<D>>
See also: Fetch, HttpClient, HttpClientRequestOptions, HttpClientResponse
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents a Merkle Path, which is used to provide a compact proof of inclusion for a transaction in a block. This class encapsulates all the details required for creating and verifying Merkle Proofs.
// Creating and verifying a Merkle Path
const merklePath = MerklePath.fromHex('...');
const isValid = merklePath.verify(txid, chainTracker);
export default class MerklePath {
blockHeight: number;
path: Array<Array<{
offset: number;
hash?: string;
txid?: boolean;
duplicate?: boolean;
static fromHex(hex: string): MerklePath
static fromReader(reader: Reader, legalOffsetsOnly: boolean = true): MerklePath
static fromBinary(bump: number[]): MerklePath
static fromCoinbaseTxidAndHeight(txid: string, height: number): MerklePath
constructor(blockHeight: number, path: Array<Array<{
offset: number;
hash?: string;
txid?: boolean;
duplicate?: boolean;
}>>, legalOffsetsOnly: boolean = true)
toBinary(): number[]
toHex(): string
computeRoot(txid?: string): string
findOrComputeLeaf(height: number, offset: number): MerklePathLeaf | undefined
async verify(txid: string, chainTracker: ChainTracker): Promise<boolean>
combine(other: MerklePath): void
trim(): void
See also: ChainTracker, MerklePathLeaf, Reader, toHex, verify
Combines this MerklePath with another to create a compound proof.
combine(other: MerklePath): void
See also: MerklePath
Argument Details
Computes the Merkle root from the provided transaction ID.
computeRoot(txid?: string): string
Argument Details
Find leaf with offset
at height
or compute from level below, recursively.
Does not add computed leaves to path.
findOrComputeLeaf(height: number, offset: number): MerklePathLeaf | undefined
See also: MerklePathLeaf
Creates a MerklePath instance from a binary array.
static fromBinary(bump: number[]): MerklePath
See also: MerklePath
Argument Details
static fromCoinbaseTxidAndHeight(txid: string, height: number): MerklePath
See also: MerklePath
Argument Details
Creates a MerklePath instance from a hexadecimal string.
static fromHex(hex: string): MerklePath
See also: MerklePath
Argument Details
Converts the MerklePath to a binary array format.
toBinary(): number[]
Converts the MerklePath to a hexadecimal string format.
toHex(): string
Remove all internal nodes that are not required by level zero txid nodes. Assumes that at least all required nodes are present. Leaves all levels sorted by increasing offset.
trim(): void
Verifies if the given transaction ID is part of the Merkle tree at the specified block height.
async verify(txid: string, chainTracker: ChainTracker): Promise<boolean>
See also: ChainTracker
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Adapter for Node Https module to be used as HttpClient
export class NodejsHttpClient implements HttpClient {
constructor(private readonly https: HttpsNodejs)
async request(url: string, requestOptions: HttpClientRequestOptions): Promise<HttpClientResponse>
See also: HttpClient, HttpClientRequestOptions, HttpClientResponse, HttpsNodejs
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents the “satoshis per kilobyte” transaction fee model.
export default class SatoshisPerKilobyte implements FeeModel {
value: number;
constructor(value: number)
async computeFee(tx: Transaction): Promise<number>
See also: FeeModel, Transaction
Constructs an instance of the sat/kb fee model.
constructor(value: number)
Argument Details
Computes the fee for a given transaction.
async computeFee(tx: Transaction): Promise<number>
See also: Transaction
The fee in satoshis for the transaction, as a BigNumber.
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents a complete Bitcoin transaction. This class encapsulates all the details required for creating, signing, and processing a Bitcoin transaction, including inputs, outputs, and various transaction-related methods.
// Creating a new transaction
let tx = new Transaction();
await tx.fee();
await tx.sign();
await tx.broadcast();
export default class Transaction {
version: number;
inputs: TransactionInput[];
outputs: TransactionOutput[];
lockTime: number;
metadata: Record<string, any>;
merklePath?: MerklePath;
static fromBEEF(beef: number[], txid?: string): Transaction
static fromAtomicBEEF(beef: number[]): Transaction
static fromEF(ef: number[]): Transaction
static parseScriptOffsets(bin: number[]): {
inputs: Array<{
vin: number;
offset: number;
length: number;
outputs: Array<{
vout: number;
offset: number;
length: number;
static fromReader(br: Reader): Transaction
static fromBinary(bin: number[]): Transaction
static fromHex(hex: string): Transaction
static fromHexEF(hex: string): Transaction
static fromHexBEEF(hex: string, txid?: string): Transaction
constructor(version: number = 1, inputs: TransactionInput[] = [], outputs: TransactionOutput[] = [], lockTime: number = 0, metadata: Record<string, any> = {}, merklePath?: MerklePath)
addInput(input: TransactionInput): void
addOutput(output: TransactionOutput): void
addP2PKHOutput(address: number[] | string, satoshis?: number): void
updateMetadata(metadata: Record<string, any>): void
async fee(modelOrFee: FeeModel | number = new SatoshisPerKilobyte(10), changeDistribution: "equal" | "random" = "equal"): Promise<void>
getFee(): number
async sign(): Promise<void>
async broadcast(broadcaster: Broadcaster = defaultBroadcaster()): Promise<BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure>
toBinary(): number[]
toEF(): number[]
toHexEF(): string
toHex(): string
toHexBEEF(): string
toHexAtomicBEEF(): string
hash(enc?: "hex"): number[] | string
id(): number[];
id(enc: "hex"): string;
id(enc?: "hex"): number[] | string
async verify(chainTracker: ChainTracker | "scripts only" = defaultChainTracker(), feeModel?: FeeModel): Promise<boolean>
toBEEF(allowPartial?: boolean): number[]
toAtomicBEEF(allowPartial?: boolean): number[]
See also: BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse, Broadcaster, ChainTracker, FeeModel, MerklePath, Reader, SatoshisPerKilobyte, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput, defaultBroadcaster, defaultChainTracker, sign, toHex, verify
Adds a new input to the transaction.
addInput(input: TransactionInput): void
See also: TransactionInput
Argument Details
Adds a new output to the transaction.
addOutput(output: TransactionOutput): void
See also: TransactionOutput
Argument Details
Adds a new P2PKH output to the transaction.
addP2PKHOutput(address: number[] | string, satoshis?: number): void
Argument Details
Broadcasts a transaction.
async broadcast(broadcaster: Broadcaster = defaultBroadcaster()): Promise<BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure>
See also: BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse, Broadcaster, defaultBroadcaster
A BroadcastResponse or BroadcastFailure from the Broadcaster
Argument Details
Computes fees prior to signing. If no fee model is provided, uses a SatoshisPerKilobyte fee model that pays 10 sat/kb. If fee is a number, the transaction uses that value as fee.
async fee(modelOrFee: FeeModel | number = new SatoshisPerKilobyte(10), changeDistribution: "equal" | "random" = "equal"): Promise<void>
See also: FeeModel, SatoshisPerKilobyte
Argument Details
Creates a new transaction from an Atomic BEEF (BRC-95) structure. Extracts the subject transaction and supporting merkle path and source transactions contained in the BEEF data
static fromAtomicBEEF(beef: number[]): Transaction
See also: Transaction
The subject transaction, linked to its associated inputs populated with merkle paths.
Argument Details
Creates a new transaction, linked to its inputs and their associated merkle paths, from a BEEF V1, V2 or Atomic. Optionally, you can provide a specific TXID to retrieve a particular transaction from the BEEF data. If the TXID is provided but not found in the BEEF data, an error will be thrown. If no TXID is provided, the last transaction in the BEEF data is returned, or the atomic txid.
static fromBEEF(beef: number[], txid?: string): Transaction
See also: Transaction
An anchored transaction, linked to its associated inputs populated with merkle paths.
Argument Details
Creates a Transaction instance from a binary array.
static fromBinary(bin: number[]): Transaction
See also: Transaction
Argument Details
Creates a new transaction, linked to its inputs and their associated merkle paths, from a EF (BRC-30) structure.
static fromEF(ef: number[]): Transaction
See also: Transaction
An extended transaction, linked to its associated inputs by locking script and satoshis amounts only.
Argument Details
Creates a Transaction instance from a hexadecimal string.
static fromHex(hex: string): Transaction
See also: Transaction
Argument Details
Creates a Transaction instance from a hexadecimal string encoded BEEF. Optionally, you can provide a specific TXID to retrieve a particular transaction from the BEEF data. If the TXID is provided but not found in the BEEF data, an error will be thrown. If no TXID is provided, the last transaction in the BEEF data is returned.
static fromHexBEEF(hex: string, txid?: string): Transaction
See also: Transaction
Argument Details
Creates a Transaction instance from a hexadecimal string encoded EF.
static fromHexEF(hex: string): Transaction
See also: Transaction
Argument Details
Utility method that returns the current fee based on inputs and outputs
getFee(): number
The current transaction fee
Calculates the transaction’s hash.
hash(enc?: "hex"): number[] | string
Argument Details
Calculates the transaction’s ID in binary array.
id(): number[]
Calculates the transaction’s ID in hexadecimal format.
id(enc: "hex"): string
Argument Details
Calculates the transaction’s ID.
id(enc?: "hex"): number[] | string
Argument Details
Since the validation of blockchain data is atomically transaction data validation, any application seeking to validate data in output scripts must store the entire transaction as well. Since the transaction data includes the output script data, saving a second copy of potentially large scripts can bloat application storage requirements.
This function efficiently parses binary transaction data to determine the offsets and lengths of each script. This supports the efficient retreival of script data from transaction data.
static parseScriptOffsets(bin: number[]): {
inputs: Array<{
vin: number;
offset: number;
length: number;
outputs: Array<{
vout: number;
offset: number;
length: number;
inputs: { vin: number, offset: number, length: number }[] outputs: { vout: number, offset: number, length: number }[] }
Argument Details
Signs a transaction, hydrating all its unlocking scripts based on the provided script templates where they are available.
async sign(): Promise<void>
Serializes this transaction and its inputs into the Atomic BEEF (BRC-95) format.
The Atomic BEEF format starts with a 4-byte prefix 0x01010101
, followed by the TXID of the subject transaction,
and then the BEEF data containing only the subject transaction and its dependencies.
This format ensures that the BEEF structure is atomic and contains no unrelated transactions.
toAtomicBEEF(allowPartial?: boolean): number[]
Argument Details
Error if there are any missing sourceTransactions unless allowPartial
is true.
Serializes this transaction, together with its inputs and the respective merkle proofs, into the BEEF (BRC-62) format. This enables efficient verification of its compliance with the rules of SPV.
toBEEF(allowPartial?: boolean): number[]
The serialized BEEF structure
Argument Details
Error if there are any missing sourceTransactions unless allowPartial
is true.
Converts the transaction to a binary array format.
toBinary(): number[]
Converts the transaction to a BRC-30 EF format.
toEF(): number[]
Converts the transaction to a hexadecimal string format.
toHex(): string
Converts the transaction to a hexadecimal string Atomic BEEF.
toHexAtomicBEEF(): string
Converts the transaction to a hexadecimal string BEEF.
toHexBEEF(): string
Converts the transaction to a hexadecimal string EF.
toHexEF(): string
Updates the transaction’s metadata.
updateMetadata(metadata: Record<string, any>): void
Argument Details
Verifies the legitimacy of the Bitcoin transaction according to the rules of SPV by ensuring all the input transactions link back to valid block headers, the chain of spends for all inputs are valid, and the sum of inputs is not less than the sum of outputs.
async verify(chainTracker: ChainTracker | "scripts only" = defaultChainTracker(), feeModel?: FeeModel): Promise<boolean>
See also: ChainTracker, FeeModel, defaultChainTracker
Whether the transaction is valid according to the rules of SPV.
Argument Details
tx.verify(new WhatsOnChain(), new SatoshisPerKilobyte(1))
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Represents a chain tracker based on What’s On Chain .
export default class WhatsOnChain implements ChainTracker {
readonly network: string;
readonly apiKey: string;
constructor(network: "main" | "test" | "stn" = "main", config: WhatsOnChainConfig = {})
async isValidRootForHeight(root: string, height: number): Promise<boolean>
async currentHeight(): Promise<number>
See also: ChainTracker, WhatsOnChainConfig
Constructs an instance of the WhatsOnChain ChainTracker.
constructor(network: "main" | "test" | "stn" = "main", config: WhatsOnChainConfig = {})
See also: WhatsOnChainConfig
Argument Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
defaultBroadcaster |
defaultChainTracker |
defaultHttpClient |
isBroadcastFailure |
isBroadcastResponse |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export function defaultBroadcaster(isTestnet: boolean = false, config: ArcConfig = {}): Broadcaster
See also: ArcConfig, Broadcaster
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export function defaultChainTracker(): ChainTracker
See also: ChainTracker
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Returns a default HttpClient implementation based on the environment that it is run on.
This method will attempt to use window.fetch
if available (in browser environments).
If running in a Node environment, it falls back to using the Node https
export function defaultHttpClient(): HttpClient
See also: HttpClient
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Convenience type guard for response from Broadcaster.broadcast
export function isBroadcastFailure(r: BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure): r is BroadcastFailure
See also: BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Convenience type guard for response from Broadcaster.broadcast
export function isBroadcastResponse(r: BroadcastResponse | BroadcastFailure): r is BroadcastResponse
See also: BroadcastFailure, BroadcastResponse
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Fetch |
HttpClientResponse |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
fetch function interface limited to options needed by ts-sdk
Makes a request to the server.
export type Fetch = (url: string, options: FetchOptions) => Promise<Response>
See also: FetchOptions
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
An interface for the response returned by the request method.
export type HttpClientResponse<T = any> = {
data: T;
status: number;
statusText: string;
ok: true;
} | {
data: any;
status: number;
statusText: string;
ok: false;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
export enum TX_DATA_FORMAT {
RAWTX = 0,
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
ATOMIC_BEEF = 16843009
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
BEEF_V1 = 4022206465
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables
BEEF_V2 = 4022206466
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables