

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables



BasePoint PointInFiniteField SHA256HMAC
BigNumber Polynomial SHA512
Curve PrivateKey SHA512HMAC
DRBG PublicKey Schnorr
JacobianPoint RIPEMD160 Signature
K256 Reader SymmetricKey
KeyShares ReductionContext TransactionSignature
Mersenne SHA1 Writer
MontgomoryMethod SHA1HMAC  
Point SHA256  

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: BasePoint

Base class for Point (affine coordinates) and JacobianPoint classes, defining their curve and type.

export default abstract class BasePoint {
    curve: Curve;
    type: "affine" | "jacobian";
    precomputed: {
        doubles?: {
            step: number;
            points: BasePoint[];
        naf?: {
            wnd: number;
            points: BasePoint[];
        beta?: BasePoint | null;
    } | null;
    constructor(type: "affine" | "jacobian") 

See also: Curve

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: BigNumber

JavaScript numbers are only precise up to 53 bits. Since Bitcoin relies on 256-bit cryptography, this BigNumber class enables operations on larger numbers.

export default class BigNumber {
    public static readonly zeros: string[] 
    static readonly groupSizes: number[] 
    static readonly groupBases: number[] 
    static readonly wordSize: number = 26;
    negative: number;
    words: number[];
    length: number;
    red: ReductionContext | null;
    static isBN(num: any): boolean 
    static max(left: BigNumber, right: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    static min(left: BigNumber, right: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    constructor(number: number | string | number[] = 0, base: number | "be" | "le" | "hex" = 10, endian: "be" | "le" = "be") 
    copy(dest: BigNumber): void 
    static move(dest: BigNumber, src: BigNumber): void 
    clone(): BigNumber 
    expand(size: number): this 
    strip(): this 
    normSign(): this 
    inspect(): string 
    toString(base: number | "hex" = 10, padding: number = 1): string 
    toNumber(): number 
    toJSON(): string 
    toArray(endian: "le" | "be" = "be", length?: number): number[] 
    bitLength(): number 
    static toBitArray(num: BigNumber): Array<0 | 1> 
    toBitArray(): Array<0 | 1> 
    zeroBits(): number 
    byteLength(): number 
    toTwos(width: number): BigNumber 
    fromTwos(width: number): BigNumber 
    isNeg(): boolean 
    neg(): BigNumber 
    ineg(): BigNumber 
    iuor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    ior(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    or(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    uor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    iuand(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    iand(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    and(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    uand(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    iuxor(num: BigNumber): this 
    ixor(num: BigNumber): this 
    xor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    uxor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    inotn(width: number): BigNumber 
    notn(width: number): BigNumber 
    setn(bit: number, val: 0 | 1 | true | false): this 
    iadd(num: BigNumber): this 
    add(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    isub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    sub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    comb10MulTo(self: BigNumber, num: BigNumber, out: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    mulTo(num: BigNumber, out: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    mul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    imul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    imuln(num: number): BigNumber 
    muln(num: number): BigNumber 
    sqr(): BigNumber 
    isqr(): BigNumber 
    pow(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    iushln(bits: number): this 
    ishln(bits: number): this 
    iushrn(bits: number, hint?: number, extended?: BigNumber): this 
    ishrn(bits, hint?, extended?): this 
    shln(bits): BigNumber 
    ushln(bits): BigNumber 
    shrn(bits): BigNumber 
    ushrn(bits): BigNumber 
    testn(bit: number): boolean 
    imaskn(bits): this 
    maskn(bits): BigNumber 
    iaddn(num: number): BigNumber 
    isubn(num: number): BigNumber 
    addn(num: number): BigNumber 
    subn(num: number): BigNumber 
    iabs(): this 
    abs(): BigNumber 
    _ishlnsubmul(num: BigNumber, mul, shift: number): this 
    divmod(num: BigNumber, mode?: "div" | "mod", positive?: boolean): any 
    div(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    mod(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    umod(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    divRound(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    modrn(num: number): number 
    idivn(num: number): BigNumber 
    divn(num: number): BigNumber 
    egcd(p: BigNumber): {
        a: BigNumber;
        b: BigNumber;
        gcd: BigNumber;
    _invmp(p: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    gcd(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    invm(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    isEven(): boolean 
    isOdd(): boolean 
    andln(num: number): number 
    bincn(bit: number): this 
    isZero(): boolean 
    cmpn(num: number): 1 | 0 | -1 
    cmp(num: BigNumber): 1 | 0 | -1 
    ucmp(num: BigNumber): 1 | 0 | -1 
    gtn(num: number): boolean 
    gt(num: BigNumber): boolean 
    gten(num: number): boolean 
    gte(num: BigNumber): boolean 
    ltn(num: number): boolean 
    lt(num: BigNumber): boolean 
    lten(num: number): boolean 
    lte(num: BigNumber): boolean 
    eqn(num: number): boolean 
    eq(num: BigNumber): boolean 
    toRed(ctx: ReductionContext): BigNumber 
    fromRed(): BigNumber 
    forceRed(ctx: ReductionContext): this 
    redAdd(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    redIAdd(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    redSub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    redISub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    redShl(num: number): BigNumber 
    redMul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    redIMul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    redSqr(): BigNumber 
    redISqr(): BigNumber 
    redSqrt(): BigNumber 
    redInvm(): BigNumber 
    redNeg(): BigNumber 
    redPow(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    static fromHex(hex: string, endian?: "little" | "big"): BigNumber 
    toHex(length: number = 0): string 
    static fromJSON(str: string): BigNumber 
    static fromNumber(n: number): BigNumber 
    static fromString(str: string, base?: number | "hex"): BigNumber 
    static fromSm(num: number[], endian: "big" | "little" = "big"): BigNumber 
    toSm(endian: "big" | "little" = "big"): number[] 
    static fromBits(bits: number, strict: boolean = false): BigNumber 
    toBits(): number 
    static fromScriptNum(num: number[], requireMinimal?: boolean, maxNumSize?: number): BigNumber 
    toScriptNum(): number[] 

See also: ReductionContext, toArray, toHex


constructor(number: number | string | number[] = 0, base: number | "be" | "le" | "hex" = 10, endian: "be" | "le" = "be") 

Argument Details


import BigNumber from './BigNumber';
const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');

Property length

Length of the words array.

length: number


let num = new BigNumber(50000);
console.log(num.length);  // output: 1

Property negative

Negative flag. Indicates whether the big number is a negative number.

negative: number


let num = new BigNumber("-10");
console.log(num.negative);  // output: 1

Property red

Reduction context of the big number.

red: ReductionContext | null

See also: ReductionContext

Property wordSize

The word size of big number chunks.

static readonly wordSize: number = 26


console.log(BigNumber.wordSize);  // output: 26

Property words

Array of numbers, where each number represents a part of the value of the big number.

words: number[]


let num = new BigNumber(50000);
console.log(num.words);  // output: [ 50000 ]

Method _invmp

Compute the multiplicative inverse of the current BigNumber in the modulus field specified by p. The multiplicative inverse is a number which when multiplied with the current BigNumber gives ‘1’ in the modulus field.

_invmp(p: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The multiplicative inverse BigNumber in the modulus field specified by p.

Argument Details


const bigNum = new BigNumber('45');
const p = new BigNumber('100');
const inverse = bigNum._invmp(p); // inverse here would be a BigNumber such that (inverse*bigNum) % p = '1'

Method _ishlnsubmul

Perform an in-place shift left, subtract, and multiply operation on a BigNumber instance. This method modifies the existing BigNumber instance.

_ishlnsubmul(num: BigNumber, mul, shift: number): this 

See also: BigNumber


the updated BigNumber instance after performing the in-place shift, subtract, and multiply operations.

Argument Details


let number = new BigNumber(10);
number._ishlnsubmul(new BigNumber(2), 3, 1);
console.log(number.toString()); // Outputs result after performing operations

Method abs

Obtains the absolute value of a BigNumber instance. This operation does not affect the actual object but instead returns a new instance of BigNumber.

abs(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


a new BigNumber instance with the absolute value of the current instance.


let negativeNumber = new BigNumber(-10);
let absolute = negativeNumber.abs();
console.log(absolute.toString()); // Outputs: "10"

Method add

Add num to this BigNumber.

add(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber which is the result of the addition.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const addResult = num1.add(new BigNumber('20'));

Method addn

Returns a new BigNumber that is the result of adding a plain number to the original BigNumber.

addn(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber which is the sum of the original BigNumber and the plain number.

Argument Details


const myNumber = new BigNumber(50);
const newNumber = myNumber.addn(2); // newNumber becomes 52, myNumber doesn't change.

Method and

Performs a bitwise AND operation that returns a new BigNumber, and keeps the bits set in the result only if the corresponding bit is set in both operands.

and(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns new BigNumber resulting from the bitwise AND operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method andln

Returns the result of bitwise AND operation between the least significant 26 bits of this BigNumber and the provided number. This method is mostly used to mask-off less significant bits.

andln(num: number): number 


The result of the AND operation.

Argument Details


let a = new BigNumber(60);
let result = a.andln(13); // 12

Method bincn

Increments the value at the bit position specified by the input parameter.

bincn(bit: number): this 


This BigNumber after incrementing at the specific bit position.

Argument Details


let a = new BigNumber(5);
a.bincn(2); // a = 7

Method bitLength

Returns the number of used bits in this big number.

bitLength(): number 


The number of used bits

Method byteLength

Get the byte length of the BigNumber

byteLength(): number 


Returns the byte length of the big number.


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('1234');
const byteLen = bn.byteLength();

Method clone

Creates a copy of the current BigNumber instance.

clone(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new BigNumber instance, identical to the original.


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');
const bnClone = bn.clone();

Method cmp

Compare this big number with another big number.

cmp(num: BigNumber): 1 | 0 | -1 

See also: BigNumber


Returns: 1 if this big number is greater, -1 if it’s less, 0 if they are equal.

Argument Details


import BigNumber from './BigNumber';
const bn1 = new BigNumber('10');
const bn2 = new BigNumber('6');
const comparisonResult = bn1.cmp(bn2); // 1 - because 10 is greater than 6

Method cmpn

Compares this BigNumber with the given number. It returns -1 if this BigNumber is less than the number, 0 if they’re equal, and 1 if the BigNumber is greater than the number.

cmpn(num: number): 1 | 0 | -1 


-1, 0, or 1 based on the comparison result.

Argument Details


let a = new BigNumber(15);
let result = a.cmpn(10); // 1

Method copy

The copy method copies the state of this BigNumber into an exsiting dest BigNumber.

copy(dest: BigNumber): void 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


const bn1 = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');
const bn2 = new BigNumber();
// bn2 is now a BigNumber representing 123456

Method div

Divides a BigNumber instance by another BigNumber and returns result. This does not modify the actual object.

div(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new BigNumber instance of the division result.

Argument Details


let number = new BigNumber(10);
let result = number.div(new BigNumber(2));
console.log(result.toString()); // Outputs: "5"

Method divRound

Returns the rounded quotient after division of one BigNumber by another BigNumber.

divRound(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The rounded quotient BigNumber after division.

Argument Details


const bigNum1 = new BigNumber('100');
const bigNum2 = new BigNumber('45');
const quotient = bigNum1.divRound(bigNum2); // quotient here would be '2'

Method divmod

Performs division and/or modulus operation on a BigNumber instance depending on the ‘mode’ parameter. If the mode parameter is not provided, both division and modulus results are returned.

divmod(num: BigNumber, mode?: "div" | "mod", positive?: boolean): any 

See also: BigNumber


Object with properties for division (div) and modulo (mod) results.

Argument Details


let number = new BigNumber(10);
let result = number.divmod(new BigNumber(3));
console.log(result.div.toString()); // Outputs: "3"
console.log(result.mod.toString()); // Outputs: "1"

Method divn

Returns the quotient BigNumber after division of one BigNumber by a primitive number.

divn(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new quotient BigNumber after division.

Argument Details


const bigNum = new BigNumber('100');
const num = 45;
const quotient = bigNum.divn(num); // quotient here would be '2'

Method egcd

Computes the Extended Euclidean Algorithm for this BigNumber and provided BigNumber p. The Extended Euclidean Algorithm is a method to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) and the multiplicative inverse in a modulus field.

egcd(p: BigNumber): {
    a: BigNumber;
    b: BigNumber;
    gcd: BigNumber;

See also: BigNumber


An object {a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber, gcd: BigNumber} where gcd is the GCD of the numbers, a is the coefficient of this, and b is the coefficient of p in Bézout’s identity.

Argument Details


const bigNum1 = new BigNumber('100');
const bigNum2 = new BigNumber('45');
const result = bigNum1.egcd(bigNum2);

Method eq

Compares the current BigNumber with the given number and returns whether they’re equal.

eq(num: BigNumber): boolean 

See also: BigNumber


Returns true if the current BigNumber is equal to the provided number, otherwise false.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
bigNum.eq(new BigNumber(10)); // true

Method eqn

Checks if this BigNumber instance is equal to a number.

eqn(num: number): boolean 


Returns true if this BigNumber is equal to the number, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber = new BigNumber('1234');
let isEqual = bigNumber.eqn(1234); // Returns true

Method expand

Increases the BigNumber length up to a certain size and initializes new elements with 0.

expand(size: number): this 


The BigNumber instance after expansion.

Argument Details


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');

Method forceRed

Forces the current BigNumber into a reduction context, irrespective of the BigNumber’s current state.

forceRed(ctx: ReductionContext): this 

See also: ReductionContext


Returns the BigNumber in the given ReductionContext.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();

Method fromBits

Creates a BigNumber from a number representing the “bits” value in a block header.

static fromBits(bits: number, strict: boolean = false): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber equivalent to the “bits” value in a block header.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if strict is true and the number has negative bit set.


const bits = 0x1d00ffff;
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromBits(bits);

Method fromHex

Creates a BigNumber from a hexadecimal string.

static fromHex(hex: string, endian?: "little" | "big"): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber created from the hexadecimal input string.

Argument Details


const exampleHex = 'a1b2c3';
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromHex(exampleHex);

Method fromJSON

Creates a BigNumber from a JSON-serialized string.

static fromJSON(str: string): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber created from the JSON input string.

Argument Details


const serialized = '{"type":"BigNumber","hex":"a1b2c3"}';
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromJSON(serialized);

Method fromNumber

Creates a BigNumber from a number.

static fromNumber(n: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber equivalent to the input number.

Argument Details


const number = 1234;
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromNumber(number);

Method fromRed

Converts a BigNumber from a reduction context, making sure the number is indeed in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

fromRed(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the BigNumber out of the ReductionContext.


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();

Method fromScriptNum

Creates a BigNumber from the format used in Bitcoin scripts.

static fromScriptNum(num: number[], requireMinimal?: boolean, maxNumSize?: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber equivalent to the number used in a Bitcoin script.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if requireMinimal is true and the value is non-minimally encoded. Will throw an error if number length is greater than maxNumSize.


const num = [0x02, 0x01]
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromScriptNum(num, true, 5)

Method fromSm

Creates a BigNumber from a signed magnitude number.

static fromSm(num: number[], endian: "big" | "little" = "big"): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber equivalent to the signed magnitude number interpreted with specified endianess.

Argument Details


const num = [0x81]
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromSm(num, { endian: 'little' }); // equivalent to BigNumber from '-1'

Method fromString

Creates a BigNumber from a string, considering an optional base.

static fromString(str: string, base?: number | "hex"): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber equivalent to the string after conversion from the specified base.

Argument Details


const str = '1234';
const bigNumber = BigNumber.fromString(str, 16);

Method fromTwos

Converts this big number from two’s complement with a specified bit width.

fromTwos(width: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the big number converted from two’s complement.

Argument Details


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('-1234');
const fromTwos = bn.fromTwos(16);

Method gcd

Computes and returns the greatest common divisor (GCD) of this BigNumber and the provided BigNumber.

gcd(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The GCD of this BigNumber and the provided BigNumber.

Argument Details


let a = new BigNumber(48);
let b = new BigNumber(18);
let gcd = a.gcd(b);

Method gt

Checks if this BigNumber instance is greater than another BigNumber.

gt(num: BigNumber): boolean 

See also: BigNumber


Returns true if this BigNumber is greater than the other BigNumber, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber1 = new BigNumber('2345');
let bigNumber2 = new BigNumber('1234');
let isGreater = bigNumber1.gt(bigNumber2); // Returns true

Method gte

Checks if this BigNumber instance is greater than or equal to another BigNumber.

gte(num: BigNumber): boolean 

See also: BigNumber


Returns true if this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the other BigNumber, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber1 = new BigNumber('1234');
let bigNumber2 = new BigNumber('1234');
let isGreaterOrEqual = bigNumber1.gte(bigNumber2); // Returns true

Method gten

Checks if this BigNumber instance is greater than or equal to a number.

gten(num: number): boolean 


Returns true if this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the number, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber = new BigNumber('1234');
let isGreaterOrEqual = bigNumber.gten(1234); // Returns true

Method gtn

Checks if this BigNumber instance is greater than a number.

gtn(num: number): boolean 


Returns true if this BigNumber is greater than the number, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber = new BigNumber('2345');
let isGreater = bigNumber.gtn(1234); // Returns true

Method iabs

Performs an in-place operation to make the BigNumber an absolute value.

iabs(): this 


Returns the BigNumber as an absolute value.


const myNumber = new BigNumber(-50);
myNumber.iabs(); // myNumber becomes 50.

Method iadd

Add num to this BigNumber in-place.

iadd(num: BigNumber): this 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the BigNumber after performing the addition.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
num1.iadd(new BigNumber('20'));

Method iaddn

Performs an in-place addition of a plain number to the BigNumber.

iaddn(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the BigNumber after the addition.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if num is not a number or is larger than 0x4000000.


const myNumber = new BigNumber(50);
myNumber.iaddn(2); // myNumber becomes 52.

Method iand

Performs an in-place operation that does a bitwise AND operation in-place, on the current instance and given BigNumber such that it modifies the current instance only if neither operand is negative. This method is similar to the iuand method but checks for negative values before operation.

iand(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the current BigNumber instance after performing the bitwise AND operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method idivn

Performs an in-place division of a BigNumber by a primitive number.

idivn(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber itself after being divided. Note: ‘in-place’ means that this operation modifies the original BigNumber.

Argument Details


const bigNum = new BigNumber('100');
const num = 45;
bigNum.idivn(num); // the bigNum here directly becomes '2'

Method imaskn

Performs an in-place operation to keep only the lower bits of the number.

imaskn(bits): this 


Returns the BigNumber with only the specified lower bits.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if bits is not a positive number.

Will throw an error if initial BigNumber is negative as imaskn only works with positive numbers.


const myNumber = new BigNumber(52);
myNumber.imaskn(2); // myNumber becomes 0 because lower 2 bits of 52 (110100) are 00.

Method imul

Performs an in-place multiplication of the BigNumber instance by a given BigNumber.

imul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber itself after the multiplication.

Argument Details


const bn1 = new BigNumber('12345');
const bn2 = new BigNumber('23456');

Method imuln

Performs an in-place multiplication of the BigNumber instance by a number. This method asserts the input to be a number less than 0x4000000 to prevent overflowing. If negavtive number is provided, the resulting BigNumber will be inversely negative.

imuln(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber itself after the multiplication.

Argument Details


const bn = new BigNumber('12345');

Method ineg

Negates the big number in-place.

ineg(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns this big number as the negation of itself.


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('1234');
bn.ineg(); // bn is now -1234

Method inotn

In-place method that performs a bitwise NOT operation on a BigNumber up to a specified bit width.

inotn(width: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the BigNumber after performing the bitwise NOT operation.

Argument Details


const num = new BigNumber('42');

Method inspect

Utility for inspecting the current BigNumber instance. Accompanied with a prefix ‘<BN: ‘ or ‘<BN-R: ‘.

inspect(): string 


A string representation to inspect the BigNumber instance.


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');

Method invm

Computes and returns the modular multiplicative inverse of this BigNumber in the field defined by the provided BigNumber.

invm(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The modular multiplicative inverse of this BigNumber.

Argument Details


let a = new BigNumber(3);
let field = new BigNumber(7);
let inverse = a.invm(field);

Method ior

Performs a bitwise OR operation with another BigNumber, considering that neither of the numbers can be negative. Stores the result in this BigNumber.

ior(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns this BigNumber after performing the bitwise OR operation.

Argument Details


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn1 = new BigNumber('10'); // binary: 1010
const bn2 = new BigNumber('6'); // binary: 0110
bn1.ior(bn2); // now, bn1 binary: 1110

Method isBN

Checks whether a value is an instance of BigNumber. If not, then checks the features of the input to determine potential compatibility. Regular JS numbers fail this check.

static isBN(num: any): boolean 


Argument Details


const validNum = new BigNumber(5);
BigNumber.isBN(validNum); // returns true

const invalidNum = 5;
BigNumber.isBN(invalidNum); // returns false

Method isEven

Checks if this BigNumber is even. An even number is an integer which is evenly divisible by two.

isEven(): boolean 


true if this BigNumber is even, else false.


let a = new BigNumber(4);
let isEven = a.isEven(); // true

Method isNeg

Checks if the big number is negative.

isNeg(): boolean 


Returns true if the big number is negative, otherwise false.


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('-1234');
const isNegative = bn.isNeg(); // true

Method isOdd

Checks if this BigNumber is Odd. An odd number is an integer which is not evenly divisible by two.

isOdd(): boolean 


true if this BigNumber is Odd, else false.


let a = new BigNumber(3);
let isOdd = a.isOdd(); // true

Method isZero

Checks if this BigNumber is Zero. A BigNumber is zero if it only contains one word and that word is 0.

isZero(): boolean 


true if this BigNumber is Zero, else false.


let a = new BigNumber(0);
let isZero = a.isZero(); // true

Method ishln

Performs an in-place left shift operation on the BigNumber instance only if it is non-negative.

ishln(bits: number): this 


The BigNumber instance after performing the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(4);
myNumber.ishln(2); // Returns BigNumber of value 16

Method ishrn

Performs an in-place right shift operation on the BigNumber instance only if it is non-negative.

ishrn(bits, hint?, extended?): this 


The BigNumber instance after performing the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(16);
myNumber.ishrn(2); // Returns BigNumber of value 4

Method isqr

Performs in-place multiplication of the BigNumber instance by itself.

isqr(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of multiplying the BigNumber instance by itself.


let myNumber = new BigNumber(4);
myNumber.isqr(); // Returns BigNumber of value 16

Method isub

Subtract num from this BigNumber in-place.

isub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the BigNumber after performing the subtraction.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('20');
num1.isub(new BigNumber('10'));

Method isubn

Performs an in-place subtraction of a plain number from the BigNumber.

isubn(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the BigNumber after the subtraction.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if num is not a number or is larger than 0x4000000.


const myNumber = new BigNumber(52);
myNumber.isubn(2); // myNumber becomes 50.

Method iuand

Performs a bitwise AND operation in-place(this method changes the calling object) on the current instance and given BigNumber such that it modifies the current instance and keeps the bits set in the result only if the corresponding bit is set in both operands.

iuand(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the current BigNumber instance after performing the bitwise AND operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method iuor

Performs a bitwise OR operation with another BigNumber and stores the result in this BigNumber.

iuor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns this BigNumber after performing the bitwise OR operation.

Argument Details


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn1 = new BigNumber('10'); // binary: 1010
const bn2 = new(num: BigNumber): BigNumber BigNumber('6'); // binary: 0110
bn1.iuor(bn2); // now, bn1 binary: 1110

Method iushln

Performs in-place bitwise left shift operation on the BigNumber instance.

iushln(bits: number): this 


The BigNumber instance after performing the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(4);
myNumber.iushln(2); // Returns BigNumber of value 16

Method iushrn

Performs an in-place unsigned bitwise right shift operation on the BigNumber instance.

iushrn(bits: number, hint?: number, extended?: BigNumber): this 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber instance after performing the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(16);
myNumber.iushrn(2); // Returns BigNumber of value 4

Method iuxor

Modifies the current instance by performing a bitwise XOR operation in-place with the provided BigNumber. It keeps the bits set in the result only if the corresponding bits in the operands are different.

iuxor(num: BigNumber): this 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the current BigNumber instance after performing the bitwise XOR operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method ixor

Performs an in-place operation that does a bitwise XOR operation in-place, on the current instance and given BigNumber such that it modifies the current instance only if neither operand is negative. This method is similar to the iuxor method but checks for negative values before operation.

ixor(num: BigNumber): this 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the current BigNumber instance after performing the bitwise XOR operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method lt

Checks if this BigNumber instance is less than another BigNumber.

lt(num: BigNumber): boolean 

See also: BigNumber


Returns true if this BigNumber is less than the other BigNumber, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber1 = new BigNumber('1234');
let bigNumber2 = new BigNumber('2345');
let isLess = bigNumber1.lt(bigNumber2); // Returns true

Method lte

Checks if this BigNumber instance is less than or equal to another BigNumber.

lte(num: BigNumber): boolean 

See also: BigNumber


Returns true if this BigNumber is less than or equal to the other BigNumber, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber1 = new BigNumber('2345');
let bigNumber2 = new BigNumber('2345');
let isLessOrEqual = bigNumber1.lte(bigNumber2); // Returns true

Method lten

Checks if this BigNumber instance is less than or equal to a number.

lten(num: number): boolean 


Returns true if this BigNumber is less than or equal to the number, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber = new BigNumber('2345');
let isLessOrEqual = bigNumber.lten(2345); // Returns true

Method ltn

Checks if this BigNumber instance is less than a number.

ltn(num: number): boolean 


Returns true if this BigNumber is less than the number, false otherwise.

Argument Details


let bigNumber = new BigNumber('1234');
let isLess = bigNumber.ltn(2345); // Returns true

Method maskn

Returns a new BigNumber that keeps only the lower bits of the original number.

maskn(bits): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber with only the specified lower bits of the original number.

Argument Details


const myNumber = new BigNumber(52);
const newNumber = myNumber.maskn(2); // newNumber becomes 0, myNumber doesn't change.

Method max

Returns the bigger value between two BigNumbers

static max(left: BigNumber, right: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Argument Details


const bn1 = new BigNumber(5);
const bn2 = new BigNumber(10);
BigNumber.max(bn1, bn2); // returns bn2

Method min

Returns the smaller value between two BigNumbers

static min(left: BigNumber, right: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Argument Details


const bn1 = new BigNumber(5);
const bn2 = new BigNumber(10);
BigNumber.min(bn1, bn2); // returns bn1

Method mod

Returns the remainder after division of one BigNumber by another BigNumber.

mod(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The remainder BigNumber after division.

Argument Details


const bigNum1 = new BigNumber('100');
const bigNum2 = new BigNumber('45');
const remainder = bigNum1.mod(bigNum2); // remainder here would be '10'

Method modrn

Returns the remainder after division of a BigNumber by a primitive number.

modrn(num: number): number 


The remainder number after division.

Argument Details


const bigNum = new BigNumber('100');
const num = 45;
const remainder = bigNum.modrn(num); // remainder here would be '10'

Method move

Directly transfers the attributes of the source BigNumber to the destination BigNumber.

static move(dest: BigNumber, src: BigNumber): void 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


const src = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');
const dest = new BigNumber();
BigNumber.move(dest, src);
// dest is now a BigNumber representing 123456

Method mul

Performs multiplication between the BigNumber instance and a given BigNumber. It creates a new BigNumber to store the result.

mul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber resulting from the multiplication operation.

Argument Details


const bn1 = new BigNumber('12345');
const bn2 = new BigNumber('23456');
const result = bn1.mul(bn2);

Method mulTo

Performs multiplication between the BigNumber instance and a given BigNumber. It chooses the multiplication method based on the lengths of the numbers to optimize execution time.

mulTo(num: BigNumber, out: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber resulting from the multiplication operation.

Argument Details


const bn1 = new BigNumber('12345');
const bn2 = new BigNumber('23456');
const output = new BigNumber();
bn1.mulTo(bn2, output);

Method muln

Performs multiplication between the BigNumber instance and a number. It performs the multiplication operation in-place to a cloned BigNumber.

muln(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The resulting BigNumber from the multiplication operation.

Argument Details


const bn = new BigNumber('12345');
const result = bn.muln(23456);

Method neg

Negates the big number and returns a new instance.

neg(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber that is the negation of this big number.


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('1234');
const neg = bn.neg(); // -1234

Method normSign

Normalizes the sign of the BigNumber. Changes -0 to 0.

normSign(): this 


The normalized BigNumber instance.


const bn = new BigNumber('-0', 10, 'be');

Method notn

Performs a bitwise NOT operation on a BigNumber up to a specified bit width. Returns a new BigNumber.

notn(width: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber resulting from the bitwise NOT operation.

Argument Details


const num = new BigNumber('42');
const notnResult = num.notn(10);

Method or

Performs a bitwise OR operation on the current instance and given BigNumber and returns a new BigNumber, in such a way that if either the corresponding bit in the first operand or the second operand is 1, then the output is also 1.

or(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber resulting from the bitwise OR operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method pow

Raises the BigNumber instance to the power of the specified BigNumber.

pow(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of raising the BigNumber instance to the power of num.

Argument Details


let base = new BigNumber(2);
let exponent = new BigNumber(3);
base.pow(exponent); // Returns BigNumber of value 8

Method redAdd

Performs addition operation of the current BigNumber with the given number in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

redAdd(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber that’s the sum of the current BigNumber and the provided number in the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();
bigNum.redAdd(new BigNumber(20)); // returns a BigNumber of 30 in reduction context

Method redIAdd

Performs in-place addition operation of the current BigNumber with the given number in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

redIAdd(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the modified current BigNumber after adding the provided number in the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();
bigNum.redIAdd(new BigNumber(20)); // modifies the bigNum to 30 in reduction context

Method redIMul

Performs an in-place multiplication of this BigNumber instance with another BigNumber within a reduction context. Expects that this BigNumber is within the reduction context i.e., it has been reduced.

redIMul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A BigNumber that is the result of the in-place multiplication operation, within the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum1 = new BigNumber('10').toRed(someRed);
let bigNum2 = new BigNumber('5');

Method redISqr

In-place square of a “red” (reduced) BigNumber. This function squares the calling BigNumber and overwrites it with the result. It only works if the number is “reduced”. A number is considered reduced if it has a red field that points to a reduction context object.

redISqr(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


This BigNumber squared in place


If the BigNumber is not reduced


const num = new BigNumber('25').toRed(someRed);
console.log(num.toString()); // Outputs: '625' mod the red value

Method redISub

Performs in-place subtraction operation of the current BigNumber with the given number in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

redISub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the modified current BigNumber after subtracting the provided number in the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(30);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();
bigNum.redISub(new BigNumber(20)); // modifies the bigNum to 10 in reduction context

Method redInvm

Find multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) in respect to reduction context. The method works only on numbers that have a reduction context set.

redInvm(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber that is multiplicative inverse in respect to the reduction context.


Will throw an error if this number does not have a reduction context.


let a = new BigNumber('2345', 16);
a.red = someReductionContext;
let aInverse = a.redInvm();

Method redMul

Performs multiplication operation of the current BigNumber with the given number in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

redMul(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber that’s the product of the current BigNumber and the provided number in the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();
bigNum.redMul(new BigNumber(20)); // returns a BigNumber of 200 in reduction context

Method redNeg

Find negative version of this number in respect to reduction context. The method works only on numbers that have a reduction context set.

redNeg(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber that is the negative version of this number in respect to the reduction context.


Will throw an error if this number does not have a reduction context.


let a = new BigNumber('2345', 16);
a.red = someReductionContext;
let aNeg = a.redNeg();

Method redPow

Raises this number to the power of ‘num’, in respect to reduction context. Note that ‘num’ must not have a reduction context set.

redPow(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a BigNumber that is this number raised to the power of ‘num’, in respect to the reduction context.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if this number does not have a reduction context or ‘num’ has a reduction context.


let a = new BigNumber(3);
a.red = someReductionContext;
let b = new BigNumber(3);
let result = a.redPow(b);  // equivalent to (a^b) mod red

Method redShl

Performs the shift left operation on the current BigNumber in the reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

redShl(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber after performing the shift left operation on the current BigNumber in the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(1);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();
bigNum.redShl(2); // returns a BigNumber of 4 in reduction context

Method redSqr

Square of a “red” (reduced) BigNumber. This function squares the calling BigNumber and returns the result. It only works if the number is “reduced”. A number is considered reduced if it has a red field that points to a reduction context object.

redSqr(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The square of the BigNumber


If the BigNumber is not reduced


const num = new BigNumber('25').toRed(someRed);
const result = num.redSqr();
console.log(result.toString()); // Outputs: '625' mod the red value

Method redSqrt

Square root of a “red” (reduced) BigNumber. This function calculates the square root of the calling BigNumber and returns the result. It only works if the number is “reduced”. A number is considered reduced if it has a red field that points to a reduction context object.

redSqrt(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The square root of the BigNumber


If the BigNumber is not reduced


const num = new BigNumber('4').toRed(someRed);
const result = num.redSqrt();
console.log(result.toString()); // Outputs: '2' mod the red value

Method redSub

Performs subtraction operation of the current BigNumber with the given number in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is not in a reduction context.

redSub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber that’s the subtraction result of the current BigNumber and the provided number in the reduction context.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(30);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();
bigNum.redSub(new BigNumber(20)); // returns a BigNumber of 10 in reduction context

Method setn

Set bit of this BigNumber. The bit is a position in the binary representation, and val is the value to be set at that position (0 or 1).

setn(bit: number, val: 0 | 1 | true | false): this 


Returns the BigNumber after setting the value at the bit position.

Argument Details


const num = new BigNumber('42');
num.setn(2, 1);

Method shln

Performs a bitwise left shift operation on a clone of the BigNumber instance.

shln(bits): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new BigNumber, which is the result of the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(4);
let shiftedNumber = myNumber.shln(2);
console.log(shiftedNumber.toString()); // Outputs "16"

Method shrn

Performs a bitwise right shift operation on a clone of the BigNumber instance.

shrn(bits): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new BigNumber resulting from the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(16);
let shiftedNumber = myNumber.shrn(3);
console.log(shiftedNumber.toString()); // Outputs "2"

Method sqr

Squares the BigNumber instance.

sqr(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The BigNumber squared.


const bn = new BigNumber('12345');
const result = bn.sqr();

Method strip

Removes leading zeros.

strip(): this 



const bn = new BigNumber("000000", 2, "be");
// bn now represents 0

Method sub

Subtract num from this BigNumber.

sub(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber which is the result of the subtraction.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('20');
const subResult = num1.sub(new BigNumber('10'));

Method subn

Returns a new BigNumber that is the result of subtracting a plain number from the original BigNumber.

subn(num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber which is the difference of the original BigNumber and the plain number.

Argument Details


const myNumber = new BigNumber(52);
const newNumber = myNumber.subn(2);  // newNumber becomes 50, myNumber doesn't change.

Method testn

Tests if the nth bit of the BigNumber is set.

testn(bit: number): boolean 


A boolean indicating whether the nth bit is set.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(10); // 1010 in binary
myNumber.testn(1); // Returns true (indicating that the second bit from right is set)

Method toArray

Converts the BigNumber instance to a JavaScript number array.

toArray(endian: "le" | "be" = "be", length?: number): number[] 


The JavaScript array representation of the BigNumber instance.

Argument Details


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');
bn.toArray('be', 8);

Method toBitArray

Convert a big number to a boolean array representing a binary number, where each array index is a bit.

static toBitArray(num: BigNumber): Array<0 | 1> 

See also: BigNumber


Returns an array of booleans representing a binary number, with each array index being a bit.

Argument Details


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('6'); // binary: 110
const bits = BigNumber.toBitArray(bn); // [1,1,0]

Method toBitArray

Convert this big number to a boolean array representing a binary number, where each array index is a bit.

toBitArray(): Array<0 | 1> 


Returns an array of booleans representing a binary number.


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('6'); // binary: 110
const bits = bn.toBitArray(); // [ 1, 1, 0 ]

Method toBits

Converts this BigNumber to a number representing the “bits” value in a block header.

toBits(): number 


Returns a number equivalent to the “bits” value in a block header.


const bigNumber = new BigNumber(1);
const bits = bigNumber.toBits();

Method toHex

Converts this BigNumber to a hexadecimal string.

toHex(length: number = 0): string 


Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of this BigNumber.

Argument Details


const bigNumber = new BigNumber(255);
const hex = bigNumber.toHex();

Method toJSON

Converts the BigNumber instance to a JSON-formatted string.

toJSON(): string 


The JSON string representation of the BigNumber instance.


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');

Method toNumber

Converts the BigNumber instance to a JavaScript number. Please note that JavaScript numbers are only precise up to 53 bits.

toNumber(): number 


The JavaScript number representation of the BigNumber instance.


If the BigNumber instance cannot be safely stored in a JavaScript number


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');

Method toRed

Converts a BigNumber to a reduction context ensuring the number is a positive integer and is not already in a reduction context. Throws an error in case the number is either negative or already in a reduction context.

toRed(ctx: ReductionContext): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber, ReductionContext


Returns the BigNumber in the given ReductionContext.

Argument Details


let bigNum = new BigNumber(10);
let redCtx = new ReductionContext();

Method toScriptNum

Converts this BigNumber to a number in the format used in Bitcoin scripts.

toScriptNum(): number[] 


Returns the equivalent to this BigNumber as a Bitcoin script number.


const bigNumber = new BigNumber(258)
const num = bigNumber.toScriptNum() // equivalent to bigNumber.toSm('little')

Method toSm

Converts this BigNumber to a signed magnitude number.

toSm(endian: "big" | "little" = "big"): number[] 


Returns an array equivalent to this BigNumber interpreted as a signed magnitude with specified endianess.

Argument Details


const bigNumber = new BigNumber(-1);
const num = bigNumber.toSm('little'); // [0x81]

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

Converts the BigNumber instance to a string representation.

toString(base: number | "hex" = 10, padding: number = 1): string 


The string representation of the BigNumber instance

Argument Details


If base is not between 2 and 36.


const bn = new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be');
bn.toString(16); // Converts the BigNumber to a hexadecimal string.

Method toTwos

Converts this big number to two’s complement with a specified bit width.

toTwos(width: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the two’s complement of the big number.

Argument Details


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('-1234');
const twosComp = bn.toTwos(16);

Method uand

Performs a bitwise AND operation without considering signed bit (no negative values) which returns a new BigNumber, similar to the and method.

uand(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns new BigNumber resulting from the bitwise AND operation without sign consideration.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method ucmp

Performs an unsigned comparison between this BigNumber instance and another.

ucmp(num: BigNumber): 1 | 0 | -1 

See also: BigNumber


Returns 1 if this BigNumber is bigger, -1 if it is smaller, and 0 if they are equal.

Argument Details


let bigNumber1 = new BigNumber('1234');
let bigNumber2 = new BigNumber('2345');
let comparisonResult = bigNumber1.ucmp(bigNumber2); // Returns -1

Method umod

Returns the remainder after unsigned division of one BigNumber by another BigNumber.

umod(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The remainder BigNumber after unsigned division. Note: Here ‘unsigned division’ means that signs of the numbers are ignored.

Argument Details


const bigNum1 = new BigNumber('-100');
const bigNum2 = new BigNumber('45');
const remainder = bigNum1.umod(bigNum2); // remainder here would be '10' as signs are ignored.

Method uor

Performs a bitwise OR operation on the current instance and given BigNumber without considering signed bit(no negative values) and returns a new BigNumber, similar to the or method.

uor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber resulting from the bitwise OR operation without sign consideration.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method ushln

Performs an unsigned bitwise shift left operation on a clone of the BigNumber instance.

ushln(bits): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new BigNumber resulting from the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(4);
let shiftedNumber = myNumber.ushln(2);
console.log(shiftedNumber.toString()); // Outputs "16"

Method ushrn

Performs an unsigned bitwise shift right operation on a clone of the BigNumber instance.

ushrn(bits): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


A new BigNumber resulting from the shift operation.

Argument Details


let myNumber = new BigNumber(20);
let shiftedNumber = myNumber.ushrn(2);
console.log(shiftedNumber.toString()); // Outputs "5"

Method uxor

Performs an unsigned XOR operation on this BigNumber with the supplied BigNumber. Returns a new BigNumber.

uxor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber resulting from the unsigned bitwise XOR operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('30');
const num2 = new BigNumber('40');
console.log(num1.uxor(num2).toString()); // Output will be the result of unsigned XOR operation

Method xor

Performs a bitwise XOR operation which returns a new BigNumber, and keeps the bits set in the result only if the corresponding bits in the operands are different.

xor(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns a new BigNumber resulting from the bitwise XOR operation.

Argument Details


const num1 = new BigNumber('10');
const num2 = new BigNumber('20');

Method zeroBits

Returns the number of trailing zero bits in the big number.

zeroBits(): number 


Returns the number of trailing zero bits in the binary representation of the big number.


const BigNumber = require("./BigNumber");
const bn = new BigNumber('8'); // binary: 1000
const zeroBits = bn.zeroBits(); // 3

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Curve

export default class Curve {
    p: BigNumber;
    red: ReductionContext;
    redN: BigNumber | null;
    zero: BigNumber;
    one: BigNumber;
    two: BigNumber;
    g: Point;
    n: BigNumber;
    a: BigNumber;
    b: BigNumber;
    tinv: BigNumber;
    zeroA: boolean;
    threeA: boolean;
    endo: {
        beta: BigNumber;
        lambda: BigNumber;
        basis: Array<{
            a: BigNumber;
            b: BigNumber;
    } | undefined;
    _endoWnafT1: BigNumber[];
    _endoWnafT2: BigNumber[];
    _wnafT1: BigNumber[];
    _wnafT2: BigNumber[];
    _wnafT3: BigNumber[];
    _wnafT4: BigNumber[];
    _bitLength: number;
    static assert(expression: unknown, message: string = "Elliptic curve assertion failed"): void 
    getNAF(num: BigNumber, w: number, bits: number): number[] 
    getJSF(k1: BigNumber, k2: BigNumber): number[][] 
    static cachedProperty(obj, name: string, computer): void 
    static parseBytes(bytes: string | number[]): number[] 
    static intFromLE(bytes: number[]): BigNumber 
    _getEndomorphism(conf): {
        beta: BigNumber;
        lambda: BigNumber;
        basis: Array<{
            a: BigNumber;
            b: BigNumber;
    } | undefined 
    _getEndoRoots(num: BigNumber): [
    _getEndoBasis(lambda: BigNumber): [
            a: BigNumber;
            b: BigNumber;
            a: BigNumber;
            b: BigNumber;
    _endoSplit(k: BigNumber): {
        k1: BigNumber;
        k2: BigNumber;
    validate(point: Point): boolean 

See also: BigNumber, Point, ReductionContext

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: DRBG

This class behaves as a HMAC-based deterministic random bit generator (DRBG). It implements a deterministic random number generator using SHA256HMAC HASH function. It takes an initial entropy and nonce when instantiated for seeding purpose.


const drbg = new DRBG('af12de...', '123ef...');
export default class DRBG {
    K: number[];
    V: number[];
    constructor(entropy: number[] | string, nonce: number[] | string) 
    hmac(): SHA256HMAC 
    update(seed?): void 
    generate(len: number): string 

See also: SHA256HMAC

Method generate

Generates deterministic random hexadecimal string of given length. In every generation process, it also updates the internal state K and V.

generate(len: number): string 


The required deterministic random hexadecimal string.

Argument Details


const randomHex = drbg.generate(256);

Method hmac

Generates HMAC using the K value of the instance. This method is used internally for operations.

hmac(): SHA256HMAC 

See also: SHA256HMAC


The SHA256HMAC object created with K value.


const hmac = drbg.hmac();

Method update

Updates the K and V values of the instance based on the seed. The seed if not provided uses V as seed.

update(seed?): void 


Nothing, but updates the internal state K and V value.

Argument Details



Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: JacobianPoint

The JacobianPoint class extends the BasePoint class for handling Jacobian coordinates on an Elliptic Curve. This class defines the properties and the methods needed to work with points in Jacobian coordinates.

The Jacobian coordinates represent a point (x, y, z) on an Elliptic Curve such that the usual (x, y) coordinates are given by (x/z^2, y/z^3).


const pointJ = new JacobianPoint('3', '4', '1');
export default class JacobianPoint extends BasePoint {
    x: BigNumber;
    y: BigNumber;
    z: BigNumber;
    zOne: boolean;
    constructor(x: string | BigNumber | null, y: string | BigNumber | null, z: string | BigNumber | null) 
    toP(): Point 
    neg(): JacobianPoint 
    add(p: JacobianPoint): JacobianPoint 
    mixedAdd(p: Point): JacobianPoint 
    dblp(pow: number): JacobianPoint 
    dbl(): JacobianPoint 
    eq(p: Point | JacobianPoint): boolean 
    eqXToP(x: BigNumber): boolean 
    inspect(): string 
    isInfinity(): boolean 

See also: BasePoint, BigNumber, Point


Constructs a new JacobianPoint instance.

constructor(x: string | BigNumber | null, y: string | BigNumber | null, z: string | BigNumber | null) 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


const pointJ1 = new JacobianPoint(null, null, null); // creates point at infinity
const pointJ2 = new JacobianPoint('3', '4', '1'); // creates point (3, 4, 1)

Property x

The x coordinate of the point in the Jacobian form.

x: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property y

The y coordinate of the point in the Jacobian form.

y: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property z

The z coordinate of the point in the Jacobian form.

z: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property zOne

Flag that indicates if the z coordinate is one.

zOne: boolean

Method add

Addition operation in the Jacobian coordinates. It takes a Jacobian point as an argument and returns a new Jacobian point as a result of the addition. In the special cases, when either one of the points is the point at infinity, it will return the other point.

add(p: JacobianPoint): JacobianPoint 

See also: JacobianPoint


Returns a new Jacobian point as the result of the addition.

Argument Details


const p1 = new JacobianPoint(x1, y1, z1)
const p2 = new JacobianPoint(x2, y2, z2)
const result = p1.add(p2)

Method dbl

Point doubling operation in the Jacobian coordinates. A special case is when the point is the point at infinity, in this case, this function will return the point itself.

dbl(): JacobianPoint 

See also: JacobianPoint


Returns a new Jacobian point as the result of the doubling.


const jp = new JacobianPoint(x, y, z)
const result = jp.dbl()

Method dblp

Multiple doubling operation. It doubles the Jacobian point as many times as the pow parameter specifies. If pow is 0 or the point is the point at infinity, it will return the point itself.

dblp(pow: number): JacobianPoint 

See also: JacobianPoint


Returns a new Jacobian point as the result of multiple doublings.

Argument Details


const jp = new JacobianPoint(x, y, z)
const result = jp.dblp(3)

Method eq

Equality check operation. It checks whether the affine or Jacobian point is equal to this Jacobian point.

eq(p: Point | JacobianPoint): boolean 

See also: JacobianPoint, Point


Returns true if the points are equal, otherwise returns false.

Argument Details


const jp1 = new JacobianPoint(x1, y1, z1)
const jp2 = new JacobianPoint(x2, y2, z2)
const areEqual = jp1.eq(jp2)

Method eqXToP

Equality check operation in relation to an x coordinate of a point in projective coordinates. It checks whether the x coordinate of the Jacobian point is equal to the provided x coordinate of a point in projective coordinates.

eqXToP(x: BigNumber): boolean 

See also: BigNumber


Returns true if the x coordinates are equal, otherwise returns false.

Argument Details


const jp = new JacobianPoint(x1, y1, z1)
const isXEqual = jp.eqXToP(x2)

Method inspect

Returns the string representation of the JacobianPoint instance.

inspect(): string 


Returns the string description of the JacobianPoint. If the JacobianPoint represents a point at infinity, the return value of this function is ‘'. For a normal point, it returns the string description format as '<EC JPoint x: x-coordinate y: y-coordinate z: z-coordinate>'.


const point = new JacobianPoint('5', '6', '1');
console.log(point.inspect()); // Output: '<EC JPoint x: 5 y: 6 z: 1>'

Method isInfinity

Checks whether the JacobianPoint instance represents a point at infinity.

isInfinity(): boolean 


Returns true if the JacobianPoint’s z-coordinate equals to zero (which represents the point at infinity in Jacobian coordinates). Returns false otherwise.


const point = new JacobianPoint('5', '6', '0');
console.log(point.isInfinity()); // Output: true

Method mixedAdd

Mixed addition operation. This function combines the standard point addition with the transformation from the affine to Jacobian coordinates. It first converts the affine point to Jacobian, and then preforms the addition.

mixedAdd(p: Point): JacobianPoint 

See also: JacobianPoint, Point


Returns the result of the mixed addition as a new Jacobian point.

Argument Details


const jp = new JacobianPoint(x1, y1, z1)
const ap = new Point(x2, y2)
const result = jp.mixedAdd(ap)

Method neg

Negation operation. It returns the additive inverse of the Jacobian point.

neg(): JacobianPoint 

See also: JacobianPoint


Returns a new Jacobian point as the result of the negation.


const jp = new JacobianPoint(x, y, z)
const result = jp.neg()

Method toP

Converts the JacobianPoint object instance to standard affine Point format and returns Point type.

toP(): Point 

See also: Point


The Point(affine) object representing the same point as the original JacobianPoint.

If the initial JacobianPoint represents point at infinity, an instance of Point at infinity is returned.


const pointJ = new JacobianPoint('3', '4', '1');
const pointP = pointJ.toP();  // The point in affine coordinates.

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: K256

A class representing K-256, a prime number with optimizations, specifically used in the secp256k1 curve. It extends the functionalities of the Mersenne class. K-256 prime is represented as ‘ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f’


const k256 = new K256();
export default class K256 extends Mersenne {
    split(input: BigNumber, output: BigNumber): void 
    imulK(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber, Mersenne


Constructor for the K256 class. Creates an instance of K256 using the super constructor from Mersenne.



const k256 = new K256();

Method imulK

Multiplies a BigNumber (‘num’) with the constant ‘K’ in-place and returns the result. ‘K’ is equal to 0x1000003d1 or in decimal representation: [ 64, 977 ].

imulK(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the mutated BigNumber after multiplication.

Argument Details


const number = new BigNumber(12345);
const result = k256.imulK(number);

Method split

Splits a BigNumber into a new BigNumber based on specific computation rules. This method modifies the input and output big numbers.

split(input: BigNumber, output: BigNumber): void 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


const input = new BigNumber(3456);
const output = new BigNumber(0);
k256.split(input, output);

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: KeyShares


const key = PrivateKey.fromShares(shares)
export class KeyShares {
    points: PointInFiniteField[];
    threshold: number;
    integrity: string;
    constructor(points: PointInFiniteField[], threshold: number, integrity: string) 
    static fromBackupFormat(shares: string[]): KeyShares 
    toBackupFormat(): string[] 

See also: PointInFiniteField

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Mersenne

A representation of a pseudo-Mersenne prime. A pseudo-Mersenne prime has the general form 2^n - k, where n and k are integers.

export default class Mersenne {
    name: string;
    p: BigNumber;
    k: BigNumber;
    n: number;
    constructor(name: string, p: string) 
    ireduce(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    split(input: BigNumber, out: BigNumber): void 
    imulK(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


constructor(name: string, p: string) 

Argument Details


const mersenne = new Mersenne('M31', '7FFFFFFF');

Property k

The constant subtracted from 2^n to derive a pseudo-Mersenne prime.

k: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property n

The exponent which determines the magnitude of the prime.

n: number

Property name

The identifier for the Mersenne instance.

name: string

Property p

BigNumber equivalent to 2^n - k.

p: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Method imulK

Performs an in-place multiplication of the parameter by constant k.

imulK(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of the multiplication, in BigNumber format.

Argument Details


const multiplied = mersenne.imulK(new BigNumber('2345', 16));

Method ireduce

Reduces an input BigNumber in place, under the assumption that it is less than the square of the pseudo-Mersenne prime.

ireduce(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The reduced BigNumber.

Argument Details


const reduced = mersenne.ireduce(new BigNumber('2345', 16));

Method split

Shifts bits of the input BigNumber to the right, in place, to meet the magnitude of the pseudo-Mersenne prime.

split(input: BigNumber, out: BigNumber): void 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


mersenne.split(new BigNumber('2345', 16), new BigNumber());

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: MontgomoryMethod

Represents a Montgomery reduction context, which is a mathematical method for performing modular multiplication without division.

Montgomery reduction is an algorithm used mainly in cryptography which can help to speed up calculations in contexts where there are many repeated computations.

This class extends the ReductionContext class.

export default class MontgomoryMethod extends ReductionContext {
    shift: number;
    r: BigNumber;
    r2: BigNumber;
    rinv: BigNumber;
    minv: BigNumber;
    constructor(m: BigNumber | "k256") 
    convertTo(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    convertFrom(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    imul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    mul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    invm(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber, ReductionContext


constructor(m: BigNumber | "k256") 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details

Property minv

The modular multiplicative inverse of m mod r.

minv: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property r

The 2^shift, shifted left by the bit length of modulus m.

r: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property r2

The square of r modulo m.

r2: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property rinv

The modular multiplicative inverse of r mod m.

rinv: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property shift

The number of bits in the modulus.

shift: number

Method convertFrom

Converts a number from the Montgomery domain back to the original domain.

convertFrom(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of the conversion from the Montgomery domain.

Argument Details


const montMethod = new MontgomoryMethod(m);
const convertedNum = montMethod.convertFrom(num);

Method convertTo

Converts a number into the Montgomery domain.

convertTo(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of the conversion into the Montgomery domain.

Argument Details


const montMethod = new MontgomoryMethod(m);
const convertedNum = montMethod.convertTo(num);

Method imul

Performs an in-place multiplication of two numbers in the Montgomery domain.

imul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of the in-place multiplication.

Argument Details


const montMethod = new MontgomoryMethod(m);
const product = montMethod.imul(a, b);

Method invm

Calculates the modular multiplicative inverse of a number in the Montgomery domain.

invm(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The modular multiplicative inverse of ‘a’.

Argument Details


const montMethod = new MontgomoryMethod(m);
const inverse = montMethod.invm(a);

Method mul

Performs the multiplication of two numbers in the Montgomery domain.

mul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


The result of the multiplication.

Argument Details


const montMethod = new MontgomoryMethod(m);
const product = montMethod.mul(a, b);

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Point

Point class is a representation of an elliptic curve point with affine coordinates. It extends the functionality of BasePoint and carries x, y coordinates of point on the curve. It also introduces new methods for handling Point operations in elliptic curve.

export default class Point extends BasePoint {
    x: BigNumber | null;
    y: BigNumber | null;
    inf: boolean;
    static fromDER(bytes: number[]): Point 
    static fromString(str: string): Point 
    static redSqrtOptimized(y2: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    static fromX(x: BigNumber | number | number[] | string, odd: boolean): Point 
    static fromJSON(obj: string | any[], isRed: boolean): Point 
    constructor(x: BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null, y: BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null, isRed: boolean = true) 
    validate(): boolean 
    encode(compact: boolean = true, enc?: "hex"): number[] | string 
    toString(): string 
    toJSON(): [
        BigNumber | null,
        BigNumber | null,
            doubles: {
                step: any;
                points: any[];
            } | undefined;
            naf: {
                wnd: any;
                points: any[];
            } | undefined;
    inspect(): string 
    isInfinity(): boolean 
    add(p: Point): Point 
    dbl(): Point 
    getX(): BigNumber 
    getY(): BigNumber 
    mul(k: BigNumber | number | number[] | string): Point 
    mulAdd(k1: BigNumber, p2: Point, k2: BigNumber): Point 
    jmulAdd(k1: BigNumber, p2: Point, k2: BigNumber): JPoint 
    eq(p: Point): boolean 
    neg(_precompute?: boolean): Point 
    dblp(k: number): Point 
    toJ(): JPoint 

See also: BasePoint, BigNumber, encode


constructor(x: BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null, y: BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null, isRed: boolean = true) 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


new Point('abc123', 'def456');
new Point(null, null); // Generates Infinity point.

Property inf

Flag to record if the point is at infinity in the Elliptic Curve.

inf: boolean

Property x

The x-coordinate of the point.

x: BigNumber | null

See also: BigNumber

Property y

The y-coordinate of the point.

y: BigNumber | null

See also: BigNumber

Method add

Adds another Point to this Point, returning a new Point.

add(p: Point): Point 

See also: Point


A new Point that results from the addition.

Argument Details


const p1 = new Point(1, 2);
const p2 = new Point(2, 3);
const result = p1.add(p2);

Method dbl

Doubles the current point.

dbl(): Point 

See also: Point


const P = new Point('123', '456');
const result = P.dbl();

Method dblp

Performs the “doubling” operation on the Point a given number of times. This is used in elliptic curve operations to perform multiplication by 2, multiple times. If the point is at infinity, it simply returns the point because doubling a point at infinity is still infinity.

dblp(k: number): Point 

See also: Point


The Point after ‘k’ “doubling” operations have been performed.

Argument Details


const p = new Point(5, 20);
const doubledPoint = p.dblp(10); // returns the point after "doubled" 10 times

Method encode

Encodes the coordinates of a point into an array or a hexadecimal string. The details of encoding are determined by the optional compact and enc parameters.

encode(compact: boolean = true, enc?: "hex"): number[] | string 


If enc is undefined, a byte array representation of the point will be returned. if enc is ‘hex’, a hexadecimal string representation of the point will be returned.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if the specified encoding method is not recognized. Expects ‘hex’.


const aPoint = new Point(x, y);
const encodedPointArray = aPoint.encode();
const encodedPointHex = aPoint.encode(true, 'hex');

Method eq

Checks if the Point instance is equal to another given Point.

eq(p: Point): boolean 

See also: Point


Whether the two Point instances are equal. Both the ‘x’ and ‘y’ coordinates have to match, and both points have to either be valid or at infinity for equality. If both conditions are true, it returns true, else it returns false.

Argument Details


const p1 = new Point(5, 20);
const p2 = new Point(5, 20);
const areEqual = p1.eq(p2); // returns true

Method fromDER

Creates a point object from a given Array. These numbers can represent coordinates in hex format, or points in multiple established formats. The function verifies the integrity of the provided data and throws errors if inconsistencies are found.

static fromDER(bytes: number[]): Point 

See also: Point


Returns a new point representing the given string.

Argument Details


Error If the point number[] value has a wrong length.

Error If the point format is unknown.


const derPoint = [ 2, 18, 123, 108, 125, 83, 1, 251, 164, 214, 16, 119, 200, 216, 210, 193, 251, 193, 129, 67, 97, 146, 210, 216, 77, 254, 18, 6, 150, 190, 99, 198, 128 ];
const point = Point.fromDER(derPoint);

Method fromJSON

Generates a point from a serialized JSON object. The function accounts for different options in the JSON object, including precomputed values for optimization of EC operations, and calls another helper function to turn nested JSON points into proper Point objects.

static fromJSON(obj: string | any[], isRed: boolean): Point 

See also: Point


Returns a new point based on the deserialized JSON object.

Argument Details


const serializedPoint = '{"x":52,"y":15}';
const point = Point.fromJSON(serializedPoint, true);

Method fromString

Creates a point object from a given string. This string can represent coordinates in hex format, or points in multiple established formats. The function verifies the integrity of the provided data and throws errors if inconsistencies are found.

static fromString(str: string): Point 

See also: Point


Returns a new point representing the given string.

Argument Details


Error If the point string value has a wrong length.

Error If the point format is unknown.


const pointStr = 'abcdef';
const point = Point.fromString(pointStr);

Method fromX

Generates a point from an x coordinate and a boolean indicating whether the corresponding y coordinate is odd.

static fromX(x: BigNumber | number | number[] | string, odd: boolean): Point 

See also: BigNumber, Point


Returns the new point.

Argument Details


Error If the point is invalid.


const xCoordinate = new BigNumber('10');
const point = Point.fromX(xCoordinate, true);

Method getX

Returns X coordinate of point

getX(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


const P = new Point('123', '456');
const x = P.getX();

Method getY

Returns X coordinate of point

getY(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


const P = new Point('123', '456');
const x = P.getX();

Method inspect

Provides the point coordinates in a human-readable string format for debugging purposes.

inspect(): string 


String of the format ‘<EC Point x: x-coordinate y: y-coordinate>’, or ‘' if the point is at infinity.


const aPoint = new Point(x, y);

Method isInfinity

Checks if the point is at infinity.

isInfinity(): boolean 


Returns whether or not the point is at infinity.


const p = new Point(null, null);
console.log(p.isInfinity()); // outputs: true

Method jmulAdd

Performs the Jacobian multiplication and addition operation in a single step. Instead of returning a regular Point, the result is a JacobianPoint.

jmulAdd(k1: BigNumber, p2: Point, k2: BigNumber): JPoint 

See also: BigNumber, Point


A JacobianPoint that results from the combined multiplication and addition operation.

Argument Details


const p1 = new Point(1, 2);
const p2 = new Point(2, 3);
const result = p1.jmulAdd(2, p2, 3);

Method mul

Multiplies this Point by a scalar value, returning a new Point.

mul(k: BigNumber | number | number[] | string): Point 

See also: BigNumber, Point


A new Point that results from the multiplication.

Argument Details


const p = new Point(1, 2);
const result = p.mul(2); // this doubles the Point

Method mulAdd

Performs a multiplication and addition operation in a single step. Multiplies this Point by k1, adds the resulting Point to the result of p2 multiplied by k2.

mulAdd(k1: BigNumber, p2: Point, k2: BigNumber): Point 

See also: BigNumber, Point


A Point that results from the combined multiplication and addition operations.

Argument Details


const p1 = new Point(1, 2);
const p2 = new Point(2, 3);
const result = p1.mulAdd(2, p2, 3);

Method neg

Negate a point. The negation of a point P is the mirror of P about x-axis.

neg(_precompute?: boolean): Point 

See also: Point


const P = new Point('123', '456');
const result = P.neg();

Method toJ

Converts the point to a Jacobian point. If the point is at infinity, the corresponding Jacobian point will also be at infinity.

toJ(): JPoint 


Returns a new Jacobian point based on the current point.


const point = new Point(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
const jacobianPoint = point.toJ();

Method toJSON

Exports the x and y coordinates of the point, and the precomputed doubles and non-adjacent form (NAF) for optimization. The output is an array.

toJSON(): [
    BigNumber | null,
    BigNumber | null,
        doubles: {
            step: any;
            points: any[];
        } | undefined;
        naf: {
            wnd: any;
            points: any[];
        } | undefined;

See also: BigNumber


An Array where first two elements are the coordinates of the point and optional third element is an object with doubles and NAF points.


const aPoint = new Point(x, y);
const jsonPoint = aPoint.toJSON();

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

Converts the point coordinates to a hexadecimal string. A wrapper method for encode. Byte 0x02 or 0x03 is used as prefix based on the ‘y’ coordinate being even or odd respectively.

toString(): string 


A hexadecimal string representation of the point coordinates.


const aPoint = new Point(x, y);
const stringPoint = aPoint.toString();

Method validate

Validates if a point belongs to the curve. Follows the short Weierstrass equation for elliptic curves: y^2 = x^3 + ax + b.

validate(): boolean 


true if the point is on the curve, false otherwise.


const aPoint = new Point(x, y);
const isValid = aPoint.validate();

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: PointInFiniteField

export class PointInFiniteField {
    x: BigNumber;
    y: BigNumber;
    constructor(x: BigNumber, y: BigNumber) 
    toString(): string 
    static fromString(str: string): PointInFiniteField 

See also: BigNumber

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

toString(): string 

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Polynomial

Polynomial class

This class is used to create a polynomial with a given threshold and a private key. The polynomial is used to create shares of the private key.


const key = new PrivateKey()
const threshold = 2
const polynomial = new Polynomial(key, threshold)
export default class Polynomial {
    readonly points: PointInFiniteField[];
    readonly threshold: number;
    constructor(points: PointInFiniteField[], threshold?: number) 
    static fromPrivateKey(key: PrivateKey, threshold: number): Polynomial 
    valueAt(x: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber, PointInFiniteField, PrivateKey

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: PrivateKey

Represents a Private Key, which is a secret that can be used to generate signatures in a cryptographic system.

The PrivateKey class extends from the BigNumber class. It offers methods to create signatures, verify them, create a corresponding public key and derive a shared secret from a public key.

export default class PrivateKey extends BigNumber {
    static fromRandom(): PrivateKey 
    static fromString(str: string, base: number | "hex" = "hex"): PrivateKey 
    static fromHex(str: string): PrivateKey 
    static fromWif(wif: string, prefixLength: number = 1): PrivateKey 
    constructor(number: BigNumber | number | string | number[] = 0, base: number | "be" | "le" | "hex" = 10, endian: "be" | "le" = "be", modN: "apply" | "nocheck" | "error" = "apply") 
    checkInField(): {
        inField: boolean;
        modN: BigNumber;
    isValid(): boolean 
    sign(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8", forceLowS: boolean = true, customK?: ((iter: number) => BigNumber) | BigNumber): Signature 
    verify(msg: number[] | string, sig: Signature, enc?: "hex"): boolean 
    toPublicKey(): PublicKey 
    toWif(prefix: number[] = [128]): string 
    toAddress(prefix: number[] | string = [0]): string 
    toHex(): string 
    toString(base: number | "hex" = "hex", padding: number = 64): string 
    deriveSharedSecret(key: PublicKey): Point 
    deriveChild(publicKey: PublicKey, invoiceNumber: string): PrivateKey 
    toKeyShares(threshold: number, totalShares: number): KeyShares 
    toBackupShares(threshold: number, totalShares: number): string[] 
    static fromBackupShares(shares: string[]): PrivateKey 
    static fromKeyShares(keyShares: KeyShares): PrivateKey 

See also: BigNumber, KeyShares, Point, PublicKey, Signature, sign, toHex, verify


constructor(number: BigNumber | number | string | number[] = 0, base: number | "be" | "le" | "hex" = 10, endian: "be" | "le" = "be", modN: "apply" | "nocheck" | "error" = "apply") 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


import PrivateKey from './PrivateKey';
import BigNumber from './BigNumber';
const privKey = new PrivateKey(new BigNumber('123456', 10, 'be'));

Method checkInField

A utility function to check that the value of this PrivateKey lies in the field limited by curve.n

checkInField(): {
    inField: boolean;
    modN: BigNumber;

See also: BigNumber


, modN } where modN is this PrivateKey’s current BigNumber value mod curve.n, and inField is true only if modN equals current BigNumber value.

Method deriveChild

Derives a child key with BRC-42.

deriveChild(publicKey: PublicKey, invoiceNumber: string): PrivateKey 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


The derived child key.

Argument Details

Method deriveSharedSecret

Derives a shared secret from the public key.

deriveSharedSecret(key: PublicKey): Point 

See also: Point, PublicKey


The derived shared secret (a point on the curve).

Argument Details


Will throw an error if the public key is not valid.


const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom();
const publicKey = privateKey.toPublicKey();
const sharedSecret = privateKey.deriveSharedSecret(publicKey);

Method fromBackupShares

static fromBackupShares(shares: string[]): PrivateKey 

See also: PrivateKey




const share1 = '3znuzt7DZp8HzZTfTh5MF9YQKNX3oSxTbSYmSRGrH2ev.2Nm17qoocmoAhBTCs8TEBxNXCskV9N41rB2PckcgYeqV.2.35449bb9'
const share2 = 'Cm5fuUc39X5xgdedao8Pr1kvCSm8Gk7Cfenc7xUKcfLX.2juyK9BxCWn2DiY5JUAgj9NsQ77cc9bWksFyW45haXZm.2.35449bb9'

const recoveredKey = PrivateKey.fromBackupShares([share1, share2])

Method fromHex

Generates a private key from a hexadecimal string.

static fromHex(str: string): PrivateKey 

See also: PrivateKey


The generated Private Key instance.

Argument Details


If the string is not a valid hexadecimal or represents an invalid private key.

Method fromKeyShares

Combines shares to reconstruct the private key.

static fromKeyShares(keyShares: KeyShares): PrivateKey 

See also: KeyShares, PrivateKey


The reconstructed private key.

Argument Details

Method fromRandom

Generates a private key randomly.

static fromRandom(): PrivateKey 

See also: PrivateKey


The newly generated Private Key.


const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom();

Method fromString

Generates a private key from a string.

static fromString(str: string, base: number | "hex" = "hex"): PrivateKey 

See also: PrivateKey


The generated Private Key.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if the string is not valid.

Method fromWif

Generates a private key from a WIF (Wallet Import Format) string.

static fromWif(wif: string, prefixLength: number = 1): PrivateKey 

See also: PrivateKey


The generated Private Key.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if the string is not a valid WIF.

Method isValid

isValid(): boolean 


true if the PrivateKey’s current BigNumber value lies in the field limited by curve.n

Method sign

Signs a message using the private key.

sign(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8", forceLowS: boolean = true, customK?: ((iter: number) => BigNumber) | BigNumber): Signature 

See also: BigNumber, Signature


A digital signature generated from the hash of the message and the private key.

Argument Details


const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom();
const signature = privateKey.sign('Hello, World!');

Method toAddress

Base58Check encodes the hash of the public key associated with this private key with a prefix to indicate locking script type. Defaults to P2PKH for mainnet, otherwise known as a “Bitcoin Address”.

toAddress(prefix: number[] | string = [0]): string 


Returns the address encoding associated with the hash of the public key associated with this private key.

Argument Details


const address = privkey.toAddress()
const address = privkey.toAddress('mainnet')
const testnetAddress = privkey.toAddress([0x6f])
const testnetAddress = privkey.toAddress('testnet')

Method toBackupShares

toBackupShares(threshold: number, totalShares: number): string[] 

Argument Details

Method toHex

Converts this PrivateKey to a hexadecimal string.

toHex(): string 


Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of this BigNumber.

Argument Details


const bigNumber = new BigNumber(255);
const hex = bigNumber.toHex();

Method toKeyShares

Splits the private key into shares using Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme.

toKeyShares(threshold: number, totalShares: number): KeyShares 

See also: KeyShares


An array of shares.

Argument Details


const key = PrivateKey.fromRandom()
const shares = key.toKeyShares(2, 5)

Method toPublicKey

Converts the private key to its corresponding public key.

The public key is generated by multiplying the base point G of the curve and the private key.

toPublicKey(): PublicKey 

See also: PublicKey


The generated PublicKey.


const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom();
const publicKey = privateKey.toPublicKey();

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

Converts this PrivateKey to a string representation.

toString(base: number | "hex" = "hex", padding: number = 64): string 


A string representation of the PrivateKey in the specified base, padded to the specified length.

Argument Details

Method toWif

Converts the private key to a Wallet Import Format (WIF) string.

Base58Check encoding is used for encoding the private key. The prefix

toWif(prefix: number[] = [128]): string 


The WIF string.

Argument Details


Error(‘Value is out of field’) if current BigNumber value is out of field limited by curve.n


const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom();
const wif = privateKey.toWif();
const testnetWif = privateKey.toWif([0xef]);

Method verify

Verifies a message’s signature using the public key associated with this private key.

verify(msg: number[] | string, sig: Signature, enc?: "hex"): boolean 

See also: Signature


Whether or not the signature is valid.

Argument Details


const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom();
const signature = privateKey.sign('Hello, World!');
const isSignatureValid = privateKey.verify('Hello, World!', signature);

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: PublicKey

The PublicKey class extends the Point class. It is used in public-key cryptography to derive shared secret, verify message signatures, and encode the public key in the DER format. The class comes with static methods to generate PublicKey instances from private keys or from strings.

export default class PublicKey extends Point {
    static fromPrivateKey(key: PrivateKey): PublicKey 
    static fromString(str: string): PublicKey 
    static fromDER(bytes: number[]): PublicKey 
    constructor(x: Point | BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null, y: BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null = null, isRed: boolean = true) 
    deriveSharedSecret(priv: PrivateKey): Point 
    verify(msg: number[] | string, sig: Signature, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): boolean 
    toDER(enc?: "hex" | undefined): number[] | string 
    toHash(enc?: "hex"): number[] | string 
    toAddress(prefix: number[] | string = [0]): string 
    deriveChild(privateKey: PrivateKey, invoiceNumber: string): PublicKey 
    static fromMsgHashAndCompactSignature(msgHash: BigNumber, signature: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): PublicKey 

See also: BigNumber, Point, PrivateKey, Signature, verify


constructor(x: Point | BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null, y: BigNumber | number | number[] | string | null = null, isRed: boolean = true) 

See also: BigNumber, Point

Argument Details


new PublicKey(point1);
new PublicKey('abc123', 'def456');

Method deriveChild

Derives a child key with BRC-42.

deriveChild(privateKey: PrivateKey, invoiceNumber: string): PublicKey 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


The derived child key.

Argument Details

Method deriveSharedSecret

Derive a shared secret from a public key and a private key for use in symmetric encryption. This method multiplies the public key (an instance of Point) with a private key.

deriveSharedSecret(priv: PrivateKey): Point 

See also: Point, PrivateKey


Returns the Point representing the shared secret.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if the public key is not valid for ECDH secret derivation.


const myPrivKey = new PrivateKey(...)
const sharedSecret = myPubKey.deriveSharedSecret(myPrivKey)

Method fromDER

Static factory method to create a PublicKey instance from a number array.

static fromDER(bytes: number[]): PublicKey 

See also: PublicKey


Returns the PublicKey created from the number array.

Argument Details


const myPubKey = PublicKey.fromString("03....")

Method fromMsgHashAndCompactSignature

Takes an array of numbers or a string and returns a new PublicKey instance. This method will throw an error if the Compact encoding is invalid. If a string is provided, it is assumed to represent a hexadecimal sequence. compactByte value 27-30 means uncompressed public key. 31-34 means compressed public key. The range represents the recovery param which can be 0,1,2,3.

static fromMsgHashAndCompactSignature(msgHash: BigNumber, signature: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): PublicKey 

See also: BigNumber, PublicKey


A PublicKey instance derived from the message hash and compact signature.

Argument Details


const publicKey = Signature.fromMsgHashAndCompactSignature(msgHash, 'IMOl2mVKfDgsSsHT4uIYBNN4e...', 'base64');

Method fromPrivateKey

Static factory method to derive a public key from a private key. It multiplies the generator point ‘g’ on the elliptic curve by the private key.

static fromPrivateKey(key: PrivateKey): PublicKey 

See also: PrivateKey, PublicKey


Returns the PublicKey derived from the given PrivateKey.

Argument Details


const myPrivKey = new PrivateKey(...)
const myPubKey = PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(myPrivKey)

Method fromString

Static factory method to create a PublicKey instance from a string.

static fromString(str: string): PublicKey 

See also: PublicKey


Returns the PublicKey created from the string.

Argument Details


const myPubKey = PublicKey.fromString("03....")

Method toAddress

Base58Check encodes the hash of the public key with a prefix to indicate locking script type. Defaults to P2PKH for mainnet, otherwise known as a “Bitcoin Address”.

toAddress(prefix: number[] | string = [0]): string 


Returns the address encoding associated with the hash of the public key.

Argument Details


const address = pubkey.toAddress()
const address = pubkey.toAddress('mainnet')
const testnetAddress = pubkey.toAddress([0x6f])
const testnetAddress = pubkey.toAddress('testnet')

Method toDER

Encode the public key to DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format.

toDER(enc?: "hex" | undefined): number[] | string 


Returns the DER-encoded public key in number array or string.

Argument Details


const derPublicKey = myPubKey.toDER()

Method toHash

Hash sha256 and ripemd160 of the public key.

toHash(enc?: "hex"): number[] | string 


Returns the hash of the public key.


const publicKeyHash = pubkey.toHash()

Method verify

Verify a signature of a message using this public key.

verify(msg: number[] | string, sig: Signature, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): boolean 

See also: Signature


Returns true if the signature is verified successfully, otherwise false.

Argument Details


const myMessage = "Hello, world!"
const mySignature = new Signature(...)
const isVerified = myPubKey.verify(myMessage, mySignature)

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: RIPEMD160

An implementation of RIPEMD160 cryptographic hash function. Extends the BaseHash class. It provides a way to compute a ‘digest’ for any kind of input data; transforming the data into a unique output of fixed size. The output is deterministic; it will always be the same for the same input.


const ripemd160 = new RIPEMD160();
export class RIPEMD160 extends BaseHash {
    h: number[];
    _update(msg: number[], start: number): void 
    _digest(): number[] 
    _digestHex(): string 

Property h

Array that is updated iteratively as part of hashing computation.

h: number[]

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Reader

export class Reader {
    public bin: number[];
    public pos: number;
    constructor(bin: number[] = [], pos: number = 0) 
    public eof(): boolean 
    public read(len = this.bin.length): number[] 
    public readReverse(len = this.bin.length): number[] 
    public readUInt8(): number 
    public readInt8(): number 
    public readUInt16BE(): number 
    public readInt16BE(): number 
    public readUInt16LE(): number 
    public readInt16LE(): number 
    public readUInt32BE(): number 
    public readInt32BE(): number 
    public readUInt32LE(): number 
    public readInt32LE(): number 
    public readUInt64BEBn(): BigNumber 
    public readUInt64LEBn(): BigNumber 
    public readVarIntNum(): number 
    public readVarInt(): number[] 
    public readVarIntBn(): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: ReductionContext

A base reduction engine that provides several arithmetic operations over big numbers under a modulus context. It’s particularly suitable for calculations required in cryptography algorithms and encoding schemas.

export default class ReductionContext {
    prime: Mersenne | null;
    m: BigNumber;
    constructor(m: BigNumber | "k256") 
    verify1(a: BigNumber): void 
    verify2(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): void 
    imod(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    neg(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    add(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    iadd(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    sub(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    isub(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    shl(a: BigNumber, num: number): BigNumber 
    imul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    mul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    isqr(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    sqr(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    sqrt(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    invm(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    pow(a: BigNumber, num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    convertTo(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 
    convertFrom(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber, Mersenne


Constructs a new ReductionContext.

constructor(m: BigNumber | "k256") 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(11));
new ReductionContext('k256');

Property m

The modulus used for reduction operations.

m: BigNumber

See also: BigNumber

Property prime

The prime number utilised in the reduction context, typically an instance of Mersenne class.

prime: Mersenne | null

See also: Mersenne

Method add

Performs the addition operation on two BigNumbers in the reduction context.

add(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the result of ‘a + b’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(5));
context.add(new BigNumber(2), new BigNumber(4)); // Returns 1

Method convertFrom

Converts a BigNumber from reduction context to its regular form.

convertFrom(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the converted BigNumber in its regular form.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
const a = context.convertTo(new BigNumber(8)); // 'a' is now 1 in the reduction context
context.convertFrom(a); // Returns 1

Method convertTo

Converts a BigNumber to its equivalent in the reduction context.

convertTo(num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the converted BigNumber compatible with the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.convertTo(new BigNumber(8)); // Returns 1 (8 % 7)

Method iadd

Performs an in-place addition operation on two BigNumbers in the reduction context in order to avoid creating a new BigNumber, it modifies the first one with the result.

iadd(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the modified ‘a’ after addition with ‘b’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(5));
const a = new BigNumber(2);
context.iadd(a, new BigNumber(4)); // Modifies 'a' to be 1

Method imod

Performs an in-place reduction of the given BigNumber by the modulus of the reduction context, ‘m’.

imod(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the reduced result.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.imod(new BigNumber(19)); // Returns 5

Method imul

Performs in-place multiplication of two BigNumbers in the reduction context, modifying the first BigNumber with the result.

imul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the modified ‘a’ after multiplication with ‘b’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
const a = new BigNumber(3);
context.imul(a, new BigNumber(2)); // Modifies 'a' to be 6

Method invm

Calculates the multiplicative inverse of a BigNumber in the reduction context.

invm(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the multiplicative inverse of ‘a’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(11));
context.invm(new BigNumber(3)); // Returns 4 (3*4 mod 11 = 1)

Method isqr

Calculates the square of a BigNumber in the reduction context, modifying the original BigNumber with the result.

isqr(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the squared ‘a’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
const a = new BigNumber(3);
context.isqr(a); // Modifies 'a' to be 2 (9 % 7 = 2)

Method isub

Performs in-place subtraction of one BigNumber from another in the reduction context, it modifies the first BigNumber with the result.

isub(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the modified ‘a’ after subtraction of ‘b’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(5));
const a = new BigNumber(4);
context.isub(a, new BigNumber(2)); // Modifies 'a' to be 2

Method mul

Multiplies two BigNumbers in the reduction context.

mul(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the result of ‘a * b’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.mul(new BigNumber(3), new BigNumber(2)); // Returns 6

Method neg

Negates a BigNumber in the context of the modulus.

neg(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the negation of ‘a’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.neg(new BigNumber(3)); // Returns 4

Method pow

Raises a BigNumber to a power in the reduction context.

pow(a: BigNumber, num: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the result of ‘a’ raised to the power of ‘num’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.pow(new BigNumber(3), new BigNumber(2)); // Returns 2 (3^2 % 7)

Method shl

Performs bitwise shift left operation on a BigNumber in the reduction context.

shl(a: BigNumber, num: number): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the result of shifting ‘a’ left by ‘num’ positions in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(32));
context.shl(new BigNumber(4), 2); // Returns 16

Method sqr

Calculates the square of a BigNumber in the reduction context.

sqr(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the result of ‘a^2’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.sqr(new BigNumber(3)); // Returns 2 (9 % 7 = 2)

Method sqrt

Calculates the square root of a BigNumber in the reduction context.

sqrt(a: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the square root of ‘a’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(9));
context.sqrt(new BigNumber(4)); // Returns 2

Method sub

Subtracts one BigNumber from another BigNumber in the reduction context.

sub(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): BigNumber 

See also: BigNumber


Returns the result of ‘a - b’ in the reduction context.

Argument Details


const context = new ReductionContext(new BigNumber(7));
context.sub(new BigNumber(3), new BigNumber(2)); // Returns 1

Method verify1

Verifies that a BigNumber is positive and red. Throws an error if these conditions are not met.

verify1(a: BigNumber): void 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


this.verify1(new BigNumber(10).toRed());
this.verify1(new BigNumber(-10).toRed()); //throws an Error
this.verify1(new BigNumber(10)); //throws an Error

Method verify2

Verifies that two BigNumbers are both positive and red. Also checks that they have the same reduction context. Throws an error if these conditions are not met.

verify2(a: BigNumber, b: BigNumber): void 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


this.verify2(new BigNumber(10).toRed(this), new BigNumber(20).toRed(this));
this.verify2(new BigNumber(-10).toRed(this), new BigNumber(20).toRed(this)); //throws an Error
this.verify2(new BigNumber(10).toRed(this), new BigNumber(20)); //throws an Error

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: SHA1

An implementation of SHA1 cryptographic hash function. Extends the BaseHash class. It provides a way to compute a ‘digest’ for any kind of input data; transforming the data into a unique output of fixed size. The output is deterministic; it will always be the same for the same input.


const sha1 = new SHA1();
export class SHA1 extends BaseHash {
    h: number[];
    W: number[];
    k: number[];
    _update(msg: number[], start?: number): void 
    _digest(): number[] 
    _digestHex(): string 

Property W

Provides a way to recycle usage of the array memory.

W: number[]

Property h

The initial hash constants.

h: number[]

Property k

The round constants used for each round of SHA-1.

k: number[]

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables


export class SHA1HMAC {
    inner: SHA1;
    outer: SHA1;
    blockSize = 64;
    constructor(key: number[] | string) 
    update(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): SHA1HMAC 
    digest(): number[] 
    digestHex(): string 

See also: SHA1

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: SHA256

An implementation of SHA256 cryptographic hash function. Extends the BaseHash class. It provides a way to compute a ‘digest’ for any kind of input data; transforming the data into a unique output of fixed size. The output is deterministic; it will always be the same for the same input.


const sha256 = new SHA256();
export class SHA256 extends BaseHash {
    h: number[];
    W: number[];
    k: number[];
    _update(msg: number[], start?: number): void 
    _digest(): number[] 
    _digestHex(): string 

Property W

Provides a way to recycle usage of the array memory.

W: number[]

Property h

The initial hash constants

h: number[]

Property k

The round constants used for each round of SHA-256

k: number[]

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: SHA256HMAC

The SHA256HMAC class is used to create Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function.

HMAC is a specific type of MAC involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key. It may be used to simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authenticity of a message.

This class also uses the SHA-256 cryptographic hash algorithm that produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value.

export class SHA256HMAC {
    inner: SHA256;
    outer: SHA256;
    blockSize = 64;
    outSize = 32;
    constructor(key: number[] | string) 
    update(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): SHA256HMAC 
    digest(): number[] 
    digestHex(): string 

See also: SHA256


The constructor for the SHA256HMAC class.

It initializes the SHA256HMAC object and sets up the inner and outer padded keys. If the key size is larger than the blockSize, it is digested using SHA-256. If the key size is less than the blockSize, it is padded with zeroes.

constructor(key: number[] | string) 

Argument Details


const myHMAC = new SHA256HMAC('deadbeef');

Property blockSize

The block size for the SHA-256 hash function, in bytes. It’s set to 64 bytes.

blockSize = 64

Property inner

Represents the inner hash of SHA-256.

inner: SHA256

See also: SHA256

Property outSize

The output size of the SHA-256 hash function, in bytes. It’s set to 32 bytes.

outSize = 32

Property outer

Represents the outer hash of SHA-256.

outer: SHA256

See also: SHA256

Method digest

Finalizes the HMAC computation and returns the resultant hash.

digest(): number[] 


Returns the digest of the hashed data. Can be a number array or a string.


let hashedMessage = myHMAC.digest();

Method digestHex

Finalizes the HMAC computation and returns the resultant hash as a hex string.

digestHex(): string 


Returns the digest of the hashed data as a hex string


let hashedMessage = myHMAC.digestHex();

Method update

Updates the SHA256HMAC object with part of the message to be hashed.

update(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): SHA256HMAC 

See also: SHA256HMAC


Returns the instance of SHA256HMAC for chaining calls.

Argument Details


myHMAC.update('deadbeef', 'hex');

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: SHA512

An implementation of SHA512 cryptographic hash function. Extends the BaseHash class. It provides a way to compute a ‘digest’ for any kind of input data; transforming the data into a unique output of fixed size. The output is deterministic; it will always be the same for the same input.


const sha512 = new SHA512();
export class SHA512 extends BaseHash {
    h: number[];
    W: number[];
    k: number[];
    _prepareBlock(msg: number[], start: number): void 
    _update(msg: any, start: number): void 
    _digest(): number[] 
    _digestHex(): number[] 

Property W

Provides a way to recycle usage of the array memory.

W: number[]

Property h

The initial hash constants.

h: number[]

Property k

The round constants used for each round of SHA-512.

k: number[]

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: SHA512HMAC

The SHA512HMAC class is used to create Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA-512 cryptographic hash function.

HMAC is a specific type of MAC involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key. It may be used to simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authenticity of a message.

This class also uses the SHA-512 cryptographic hash algorithm that produces a 512-bit (64-byte) hash value.

export class SHA512HMAC {
    inner: SHA512;
    outer: SHA512;
    blockSize = 128;
    outSize = 32;
    constructor(key: number[] | string) 
    update(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): SHA512HMAC 
    digest(): number[] 
    digestHex(): string 

See also: SHA512


The constructor for the SHA512HMAC class.

It initializes the SHA512HMAC object and sets up the inner and outer padded keys. If the key size is larger than the blockSize, it is digested using SHA-512. If the key size is less than the blockSize, it is padded with zeroes.

constructor(key: number[] | string) 

Argument Details


const myHMAC = new SHA512HMAC('deadbeef');

Property blockSize

The block size for the SHA-512 hash function, in bytes. It’s set to 128 bytes.

blockSize = 128

Property inner

Represents the inner hash of SHA-512.

inner: SHA512

See also: SHA512

Property outSize

The output size of the SHA-512 hash function, in bytes. It’s set to 64 bytes.

outSize = 32

Property outer

Represents the outer hash of SHA-512.

outer: SHA512

See also: SHA512

Method digest

Finalizes the HMAC computation and returns the resultant hash.

digest(): number[] 


Returns the digest of the hashed data as a number array.


let hashedMessage = myHMAC.digest();

Method digestHex

Finalizes the HMAC computation and returns the resultant hash as a hex string.

digestHex(): string 


Returns the digest of the hashed data as a hex string


let hashedMessage = myHMAC.digestHex();

Method update

Updates the SHA512HMAC object with part of the message to be hashed.

update(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): SHA512HMAC 

See also: SHA512HMAC


Returns the instance of SHA512HMAC for chaining calls.

Argument Details


myHMAC.update('deadbeef', 'hex');

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Schnorr

Class representing the Schnorr Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) protocol.

This class provides methods to generate and verify proofs that demonstrate knowledge of a secret without revealing it. Specifically, it allows one party to prove to another that they know the private key corresponding to a public key and have correctly computed a shared secret, without disclosing the private key itself.

The protocol involves two main methods:

The class utilizes elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and the SHA-256 hash function to compute challenges within the proof.


const schnorr = new Schnorr();
const a = PrivateKey.fromRandom(); // Prover's private key
const A = a.toPublicKey();         // Prover's public key
const b = PrivateKey.fromRandom(); // Other party's private key
const B = b.toPublicKey();         // Other party's public key
const S = B.mul(a);                // Shared secret

// Prover generates the proof
const proof = schnorr.generateProof(a, A, B, S);

// Verifier verifies the proof
const isValid = schnorr.verifyProof(A.point, B.point, S.point, proof);
console.log(`Proof is valid: ${isValid}`);
export default class Schnorr {
    generateProof(aArg: PrivateKey, AArg: PublicKey, BArg: PublicKey, S: Point): {
        R: Point;
        SPrime: Point;
        z: BigNumber;
    verifyProof(A: Point, B: Point, S: Point, proof: {
        R: Point;
        SPrime: Point;
        z: BigNumber;
    }): boolean 

See also: BigNumber, Point, PrivateKey, PublicKey

Method generateProof

Generates a proof that demonstrates the link between public key A and shared secret S

generateProof(aArg: PrivateKey, AArg: PublicKey, BArg: PublicKey, S: Point): {
    R: Point;
    SPrime: Point;
    z: BigNumber;

See also: BigNumber, Point, PrivateKey, PublicKey


Proof (R, S’, z)

Argument Details

Method verifyProof

Verifies the proof of the link between public key A and shared secret S

verifyProof(A: Point, B: Point, S: Point, proof: {
    R: Point;
    SPrime: Point;
    z: BigNumber;
}): boolean 

See also: BigNumber, Point


True if the proof is valid, false otherwise

Argument Details

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Signature

Represents a digital signature.

A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital messages or documents. In many scenarios, it is equivalent to a handwritten signature or stamped seal. The signature pair (R, S) corresponds to the raw ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) signature. Signatures are often serialized into a format known as ‘DER encoding’ for transmission.

export default class Signature {
    r: BigNumber;
    s: BigNumber;
    static fromDER(data: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): Signature 
    static fromCompact(data: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): Signature 
    constructor(r: BigNumber, s: BigNumber) 
    verify(msg: number[] | string, key: PublicKey, enc?: "hex"): boolean 
    toString(enc?: "hex" | "base64"): number[] | string 
    toDER(enc?: "hex" | "base64"): number[] | string 
    toCompact(recovery: number, compressed: boolean, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): number[] | string 
    RecoverPublicKey(recovery: number, e: BigNumber): PublicKey 
    CalculateRecoveryFactor(pubkey: PublicKey, msgHash: BigNumber): number 

See also: BigNumber, PublicKey, verify


Creates an instance of the Signature class.

constructor(r: BigNumber, s: BigNumber) 

See also: BigNumber

Argument Details


const r = new BigNumber('208755674028...');
const s = new BigNumber('564745627577...');
const signature = new Signature(r, s);

Method CalculateRecoveryFactor

Calculates the recovery factor which will work for a particular public key and message hash. This method will return the recovery factor if it finds a valid recovery factor. If it does not find a valid recovery factor, it will throw an error. The recovery factor is a number between 0 and 3.

CalculateRecoveryFactor(pubkey: PublicKey, msgHash: BigNumber): number 

See also: BigNumber, PublicKey


the recovery factor: number /

Argument Details


const recovery = signature.CalculateRecoveryFactor(publicKey, msgHash);

Method RecoverPublicKey

Recovers the public key from a signature. This method will return the public key if it finds a valid public key. If it does not find a valid public key, it will throw an error. The recovery factor is a number between 0 and 3.

RecoverPublicKey(recovery: number, e: BigNumber): PublicKey 

See also: BigNumber, PublicKey


The public key associated with the signature.

Argument Details


const publicKey = signature.RecoverPublicKey(0, msgHash);

Method fromCompact

Takes an array of numbers or a string and returns a new Signature instance. This method will throw an error if the Compact encoding is invalid. If a string is provided, it is assumed to represent a hexadecimal sequence. compactByte value 27-30 means uncompressed public key. 31-34 means compressed public key. The range represents the recovery param which can be 0,1,2,3. We could support recovery functions in future if there’s demand.

static fromCompact(data: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): Signature 

See also: Signature


The decoded data in the form of Signature instance.

Argument Details


const signature = Signature.fromCompact('1b18c1f5502f8...', 'hex');

Method fromDER

Takes an array of numbers or a string and returns a new Signature instance. This method will throw an error if the DER encoding is invalid. If a string is provided, it is assumed to represent a hexadecimal sequence.

static fromDER(data: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): Signature 

See also: Signature


The decoded data in the form of Signature instance.

Argument Details


const signature = Signature.fromDER('30440220018c1f5502f8...', 'hex');

Method toCompact

Converts an instance of Signature into Compact encoding.

If the encoding parameter is set to ‘hex’, the function will return a hex string. If ‘base64’, it will return a base64 string. Otherwise, it will return an array of numbers.

toCompact(recovery: number, compressed: boolean, enc?: "hex" | "base64"): number[] | string 


The current instance in DER encoding.

Argument Details


const compact = signature.toCompact(3, true, 'base64');

Method toDER

Converts an instance of Signature into DER encoding.

If the encoding parameter is set to ‘hex’, the function will return a hex string. If ‘base64’, it will return a base64 string. Otherwise, it will return an array of numbers.

toDER(enc?: "hex" | "base64"): number[] | string 


The current instance in DER encoding.

Argument Details


const der = signature.toDER('hex');

Method toString

function toString() { [native code] }

Converts an instance of Signature into DER encoding. An alias for the toDER method.

If the encoding parameter is set to ‘hex’, the function will return a hex string. If ‘base64’, it will return a base64 string. Otherwise, it will return an array of numbers.

toString(enc?: "hex" | "base64"): number[] | string 


The current instance in DER encoding.

Argument Details


const der = signature.toString('base64');

Method verify

Verifies a digital signature.

This method will return true if the signature, key, and message hash match. If the data or key do not match the signature, the function returns false.

verify(msg: number[] | string, key: PublicKey, enc?: "hex"): boolean 

See also: PublicKey


A boolean representing whether the signature is valid.

Argument Details


const msg = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
const publicKey = PublicKey.fromString('04188ca1050...');
const isVerified = signature.verify(msg, publicKey);

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: SymmetricKey

SymmetricKey is a class that extends the BigNumber class and implements symmetric encryption and decryption methods. Symmetric-Key encryption is a form of encryption where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. It leverages the Advanced Encryption Standard Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) for encryption and decryption of messages.

export default class SymmetricKey extends BigNumber {
    static fromRandom(): SymmetricKey 
    encrypt(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): string | number[] 
    decrypt(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): string | number[] 

See also: BigNumber, decrypt, encrypt

Method decrypt

Decrypts a given AES-GCM encrypted message using the same key that was used for encryption. The method extracts the IV and the authentication tag from the encrypted message, then attempts to decrypt it. If the decryption fails (e.g., due to message tampering), an error is thrown.

decrypt(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): string | number[] 


Returns the decrypted message as a string or an array of numbers, depending on enc argument. If absent, an array of numbers is returned.

Argument Details


Will throw an error if the decryption fails, likely due to message tampering or incorrect decryption key.


const key = new SymmetricKey(1234);
const decryptedMessage = key.decrypt(encryptedMessage, 'utf8');

Method encrypt

Encrypts a given message using AES-GCM encryption. The generated Initialization Vector (IV) is attached to the encrypted message for decryption purposes. The OpenSSL format of |IV|encryptedContent|authTag| is used.

encrypt(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): string | number[] 


Returns the encrypted message as a string or an array of numbers, depending on enc argument.

Argument Details


const key = new SymmetricKey(1234);
const encryptedMessage = key.encrypt('plainText', 'utf8');

Method fromRandom

Generates a symmetric key randomly.

static fromRandom(): SymmetricKey 

See also: SymmetricKey


The newly generated Symmetric Key.


const symmetricKey = SymmetricKey.fromRandom();

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: TransactionSignature

export default class TransactionSignature extends Signature {
    public static readonly SIGHASH_ALL = 1;
    public static readonly SIGHASH_NONE = 2;
    public static readonly SIGHASH_SINGLE = 3;
    public static readonly SIGHASH_FORKID = 64;
    public static readonly SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY = 128;
    scope: number;
    static format(params: {
        sourceTXID: string;
        sourceOutputIndex: number;
        sourceSatoshis: number;
        transactionVersion: number;
        otherInputs: TransactionInput[];
        outputs: TransactionOutput[];
        inputIndex: number;
        subscript: Script;
        inputSequence: number;
        lockTime: number;
        scope: number;
    }): number[] 
    static fromChecksigFormat(buf: number[]): TransactionSignature 
    constructor(r: BigNumber, s: BigNumber, scope: number) 
    public hasLowS(): boolean 
    toChecksigFormat(): number[] 

See also: BigNumber, Script, Signature, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput

Method hasLowS

Compares to bitcoind’s IsLowDERSignature See also Ecdsa signature algorithm which enforces this. See also Bip 62, “low S values in signatures”

public hasLowS(): boolean 

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Class: Writer

export class Writer {
    public bufs: number[][];
    constructor(bufs?: number[][]) 
    getLength(): number 
    toArray(): number[] 
    write(buf: number[]): this 
    writeReverse(buf: number[]): this 
    writeUInt8(n: number): this 
    writeInt8(n: number): this 
    writeUInt16BE(n: number): this 
    writeInt16BE(n: number): this 
    writeUInt16LE(n: number): this 
    writeInt16LE(n: number): this 
    writeUInt32BE(n: number): this 
    writeInt32BE(n: number): this 
    writeUInt32LE(n: number): this 
    writeInt32LE(n: number): this 
    writeUInt64BEBn(bn: BigNumber): this 
    writeUInt64LEBn(bn: BigNumber): this 
    writeUInt64LE(n: number): this 
    writeVarIntNum(n: number): this 
    writeVarIntBn(bn: BigNumber): this 
    static varIntNum(n: number): number[] 
    static varIntBn(bn: BigNumber): number[] 

See also: BigNumber, toArray

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables



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Function: AES

export function AES(input: number[], key: number[]): number[] 

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Function: AESGCM

export function AESGCM(plainText: number[], additionalAuthenticatedData: number[], initializationVector: number[], key: number[]): {
    result: number[];
    authenticationTag: number[];

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Function: AESGCMDecrypt

export function AESGCMDecrypt(cipherText: number[], additionalAuthenticatedData: number[], initializationVector: number[], authenticationTag: number[], key: number[]): number[] | null 

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Function: ghash

export function ghash(input: number[], hashSubKey: number[]): number[] 

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Function: pbkdf2

Limited SHA-512-only PBKDF2 function for use in deprecated BIP39 code.

export function pbkdf2(password: number[], salt: number[], iterations: number, keylen: number, digest = "sha512"): number[] 


The computed key

Argument Details

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Function: toArray

export function toArray(msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] 


array of byte values from msg. If msg is an array, a copy is returned.

Argument Details

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Function: toBase64

Converts an array of bytes (each between 0 and 255) into a base64 encoded string.


const bytes = [72, 101, 108, 108, 111]; // Represents the string "Hello"
console.log(toBase64(bytes)); // Outputs: SGVsbG8=
export function toBase64(byteArray: number[]): string 


The base64 encoded string.

Argument Details

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables




checkBit minimallyEncode sign
encode multiply toArray
exclusiveOR rightShift toBase58
fromBase58 ripemd160 toBase58Check
fromBase58Check sha1 toHex
getBytes sha256 toUTF8
hash160 sha256hmac verify
hash256 sha512 zero2
incrementLeastSignificantThirtyTwoBits sha512hmac  

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: checkBit

checkBit = function (byteArray: number[], byteIndex: number, bitIndex: number): 1 | 0 {
    return (byteArray[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndex)) !== 0 ? 1 : 0;

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: encode

encode = (arr: number[], enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): string | number[] => {
    switch (enc) {
        case "hex":
            return toHex(arr);
        case "utf8":
            return toUTF8(arr);
            return arr;

See also: toHex, toUTF8

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: exclusiveOR

exclusiveOR = function (block0: number[], block1: number[]): number[] {
    let i;
    const result = [];
    for (i = 0; i < block0.length; i++) {
        result[i] = block0[i] ^ block1[i];
    return result;

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: fromBase58

fromBase58 = (str: string): number[] => {
    if (str === "" || typeof str !== "string") {
        throw new Error(`Expected base58 string but got “${str}”`);
    const match: string[] | null = str.match(/[IOl0]/gmu);
    if (match !== null) {
        throw new Error(`Invalid base58 character “${match.join("")}”`);
    const lz = str.match(/^1+/gmu);
    const psz: number = (lz !== null) ? lz[0].length : 0;
    const size = ((str.length - psz) * (Math.log(58) / Math.log(256)) + 1) >>> 0;
    const uint8 = new Uint8Array([
        ...new Uint8Array(psz),
        ...(str.match(/./gmu) ?? [])
            .map((i) => base58chars.indexOf(i))
            .reduce((acc, i) => {
            acc = acc.map((j) => {
                const x = j * 58 + i;
                i = x >> 8;
                return x;
            return acc;
        }, new Uint8Array(size))
            .filter(((lastValue) => (value) => (lastValue = lastValue || value))(false))
    return [...uint8];

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: fromBase58Check

fromBase58Check = (str: string, enc?: "hex", prefixLength: number = 1): any => {
    const bin = fromBase58(str);
    let prefix: string | number[] = bin.slice(0, prefixLength);
    let data: string | number[] = bin.slice(prefixLength, -4);
    let hash = [...prefix, ...data];
    hash = hash256(hash);
    bin.slice(-4).forEach((check, index) => {
        if (check !== hash[index]) {
            throw new Error("Invalid checksum");
    if (enc === "hex") {
        prefix = toHex(prefix);
        data = toHex(data);
    return { prefix, data };

See also: fromBase58, hash256, toHex

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: getBytes

getBytes = function (numericValue: number): number[] {
    return [
        (numericValue & 4278190080) >>> 24,
        (numericValue & 16711680) >> 16,
        (numericValue & 65280) >> 8,
        numericValue & 255

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: hash160

hash160 = (msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] => {
    const first = new SHA256().update(msg, enc).digest();
    return new RIPEMD160().update(first).digest();

See also: RIPEMD160, SHA256

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: hash256

hash256 = (msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] => {
    const first = new SHA256().update(msg, enc).digest();
    return new SHA256().update(first).digest();

See also: SHA256

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: incrementLeastSignificantThirtyTwoBits

incrementLeastSignificantThirtyTwoBits = function (block: number[]): number[] {
    let i;
    const result = block.slice();
    for (i = 15; i !== 11; i--) {
        result[i] = result[i] + 1;
        if (result[i] === 256) {
            result[i] = 0;
        else {
    return result;

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: minimallyEncode

minimallyEncode = (buf: number[]): number[] => {
    if (buf.length === 0) {
        return buf;
    const last = buf[buf.length - 1];
    if ((last & 127) !== 0) {
        return buf;
    if (buf.length === 1) {
        return [];
    if ((buf[buf.length - 2] & 128) !== 0) {
        return buf;
    for (let i = buf.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        if (buf[i - 1] !== 0) {
            if ((buf[i - 1] & 128) !== 0) {
                buf[i] = last;
                return buf.slice(0, i + 1);
            else {
                buf[i - 1] |= last;
                return buf.slice(0, i);
    return [];

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: multiply

multiply = function (block0: number[], block1: number[]): number[] {
    let i;
    let j;
    let v = block1.slice();
    let z = createZeroBlock(16);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        for (j = 7; j !== -1; j--) {
            if (checkBit(block0, i, j) !== 0) {
                z = exclusiveOR(z, v);
            if (checkBit(v, 15, 0) !== 0) {
                v = exclusiveOR(rightShift(v), R);
            else {
                v = rightShift(v);
    return z;

See also: checkBit, exclusiveOR, rightShift

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: rightShift

rightShift = function (block: number[]): number[] {
    let i: number;
    let carry = 0;
    let oldCarry = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < block.length; i++) {
        oldCarry = carry;
        carry = block[i] & 1;
        block[i] = block[i] >> 1;
        if (oldCarry !== 0) {
            block[i] = block[i] | 128;
    return block;

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: ripemd160

ripemd160 = (msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] => {
    return new RIPEMD160().update(msg, enc).digest();

See also: RIPEMD160

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sha1

sha1 = (msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] => {
    return new SHA1().update(msg, enc).digest();

See also: SHA1

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sha256

sha256 = (msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] => {
    return new SHA256().update(msg, enc).digest();

See also: SHA256

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sha256hmac

sha256hmac = (key: number[] | string, msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): number[] => {
    return new SHA256HMAC(key).update(msg, enc).digest();

See also: SHA256HMAC

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sha512

sha512 = (msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex" | "utf8"): number[] => {
    return new SHA512().update(msg, enc).digest();

See also: SHA512

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sha512hmac

sha512hmac = (key: number[] | string, msg: number[] | string, enc?: "hex"): number[] => {
    return new SHA512HMAC(key).update(msg, enc).digest();

See also: SHA512HMAC

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: sign

sign = (msg: BigNumber, key: BigNumber, forceLowS: boolean = false, customK?: BigNumber | ((iter: number) => BigNumber)): Signature => {
    if (typeof BigInt === "function") {
        const zero = BigInt(0);
        const one = BigInt(1);
        const two = BigInt(2);
        const Gx = BigInt("0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798");
        const Gy = BigInt("0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8");
        const G = { x: Gx, y: Gy };
        const z = BigInt("0x" + msg.toString(16));
        const d = BigInt("0x" + key.toString(16));
        if (d <= zero || d >= n) {
            throw new Error("Invalid private key");
        function bigIntToBytes(value: bigint, length: number): Uint8Array {
            const hex = value.toString(16).padStart(length * 2, "0");
            const bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
            for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                bytes[i] = parseInt(hex.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);
            return bytes;
        const bytes = 32;
        const bkey = bigIntToBytes(d, bytes);
        const nonce = bigIntToBytes(z, bytes);
        const drbg = new DRBG(Array.from(bkey), Array.from(nonce));
        const ns1 = n - one;
        let iter = 0;
        function truncateToN(k: bigint, n: bigint, truncOnly: boolean = true): bigint {
            const kBitLength = k.toString(2).length;
            const nBitLength = n.toString(2).length;
            const delta = kBitLength - nBitLength;
            if (delta > 0) {
                k = k >> BigInt(delta);
            if (!truncOnly && k >= n) {
                return k - n;
            else {
                return k;
        function generateK(customK?: BigNumber | ((iter: number) => BigNumber)): bigint {
            if (typeof customK === "function") {
                const kbn = customK(iter);
                const kstr = kbn.toString(16);
                return BigInt("0x" + kstr);
            else if ((customK != null) && BigNumber.isBN(customK)) {
                const kstr = customK.toString(16);
                return BigInt("0x" + kstr);
            else {
                const khex = drbg.generate(bytes);
                return BigInt("0x" + khex);
        function mod(a: bigint, m: bigint): bigint {
            return ((a % m) + m) % m;
        function modInv(a: bigint, m: bigint): bigint {
            let lm = one;
            let hm = zero;
            let low = mod(a, m);
            let high = m;
            while (low > one) {
                const r = high / low;
                const nm = hm - lm * r;
                const neww = high - low * r;
                hm = lm;
                lm = nm;
                high = low;
                low = neww;
            return mod(lm, m);
        function pointAdd(P: {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        } | null, Q: {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        } | null): {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        } | null {
            if (P === null)
                return Q;
            if (Q === null)
                return P;
            if (P.x === Q.x && P.y === mod(-Q.y, p)) {
                return null;
            let m: bigint;
            if (P.x === Q.x && P.y === Q.y) {
                if (P.y === zero) {
                    return null;
                const numerator = mod(BigInt(3) * P.x * P.x, p);
                const denominator = modInv(two * P.y, p);
                m = mod(numerator * denominator, p);
            else {
                const numerator = mod(Q.y - P.y, p);
                const denominator = modInv(Q.x - P.x, p);
                m = mod(numerator * denominator, p);
            const xR = mod(m * m - P.x - Q.x, p);
            const yR = mod(m * (P.x - xR) - P.y, p);
            return { x: xR, y: yR };
        function scalarMul(k: bigint, P: {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        }): {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        } {
            let N = P;
            let Q: {
                x: bigint;
                y: bigint;
            } | null = null;
            while (k > BigInt(0)) {
                if (k % BigInt(2) === BigInt(1)) {
                    Q = Q === null ? N : (pointAdd(Q, N) ?? Q);
                N = pointAdd(N, N) ?? N;
                k >>= BigInt(1);
            if (Q === null) {
                throw new Error("Scalar multiplication resulted in an invalid point.");
            return Q;
        let validSignature = false;
        while (!validSignature) {
            iter += 1;
            validSignature = true;
            iter += 1;
            let k = generateK(customK);
            k = truncateToN(k, n, true);
            if (k <= one || k >= ns1) {
                if (customK instanceof BigNumber) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (must be more than 1 and less than N-1)");
                else {
            const R = scalarMul(k, G);
            if (R === null) {
                if (customK instanceof BigNumber) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (must not create a point at infinity when multiplied by the generator point)");
                else {
            const r = mod(R.x, n);
            if (r === zero) {
                if (customK instanceof BigNumber) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (when multiplied by G, the resulting x coordinate mod N must not be zero)");
                else {
            const kInv = modInv(k, n);
            const rd = mod(r * d, n);
            let s = mod(kInv * (z + rd), n);
            if (s === zero) {
                if (customK instanceof BigNumber) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (when used with the key, it cannot create a zero value for S)");
                else {
            if (forceLowS && s > n / two) {
                s = n - s;
            const rbn = new BigNumber(r.toString(16), 16);
            const sbn = new BigNumber(s.toString(16), 16);
            return new Signature(rbn, sbn);
    else {
        const curve = new Curve();
        msg = truncateToN(msg);
        const bytes = curve.n.byteLength();
        const bkey = key.toArray("be", bytes);
        const nonce = msg.toArray("be", bytes);
        const drbg = new DRBG(bkey, nonce);
        const ns1 = curve.n.subn(1);
        for (let iter = 0;; iter++) {
            let k = typeof customK === "function"
                ? customK(iter)
                : BigNumber.isBN(customK)
                    ? customK
                    : new BigNumber(drbg.generate(bytes), 16);
            if (k != null) {
                k = truncateToN(k, true);
            else {
                throw new Error("k is undefined");
            if (k.cmpn(1) <= 0 || k.cmp(ns1) >= 0) {
                if (BigNumber.isBN(customK)) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (must be more than 1 and less than N-1)");
                else {
            const kp = curve.g.mul(k);
            if (kp.isInfinity()) {
                if (BigNumber.isBN(customK)) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (must not create a point at infinity when multiplied by the generator point)");
                else {
            const kpX = kp.getX();
            const r = kpX.umod(curve.n);
            if (r.cmpn(0) === 0) {
                if (BigNumber.isBN(customK)) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (when multiplied by G, the resulting x coordinate mod N must not be zero)");
                else {
            let s = k.invm(curve.n).mul(r.mul(key).iadd(msg));
            s = s.umod(curve.n);
            if (s.cmpn(0) === 0) {
                if (BigNumber.isBN(customK)) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid fixed custom K value (when used with the key, it cannot create a zero value for S)");
                else {
            if (forceLowS && s.cmp(curve.n.ushrn(1)) > 0) {
                s = curve.n.sub(s);
            return new Signature(r, s);
    throw new Error("Failed to generate a valid signature");

See also: BigNumber, Curve, DRBG, Signature, toArray

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: toArray

toArray = (msg: any, enc?: "hex" | "utf8" | "base64"): any[] => {
    if (Array.isArray(msg))
        return msg.slice();
    if (msg === undefined)
        return [];
    if (typeof msg !== "string") {
        return Array.from(msg, (item: any) => item | 0);
    switch (enc) {
        case "hex":
            return hexToArray(msg);
        case "base64":
            return base64ToArray(msg);
            return utf8ToArray(msg);

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: toBase58

toBase58 = (bin: number[]): string => {
    const base58Map = Array(256).fill(-1);
    for (let i = 0; i < base58chars.length; ++i) {
        base58Map[base58chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
    const result: number[] = [];
    for (const byte of bin) {
        let carry = byte;
        for (let j = 0; j < result.length; ++j) {
            const x = (base58Map[result[j]] << 8) + carry;
            result[j] = base58chars.charCodeAt(x % 58);
            carry = (x / 58) | 0;
        while (carry !== 0) {
            result.push(base58chars.charCodeAt(carry % 58));
            carry = (carry / 58) | 0;
    for (const byte of bin) {
        if (byte !== 0)
    return String.fromCharCode(...result);

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: toBase58Check

toBase58Check = (bin: number[], prefix: number[] = [0]): string => {
    let hash = hash256([...prefix, ...bin]);
    hash = [...prefix, ...bin, ...hash.slice(0, 4)];
    return toBase58(hash);

See also: hash256, toBase58

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: toHex

toHex = (msg: number[]): string => {
    let res = "";
    for (const num of msg) {
        res += zero2(num.toString(16));
    return res;

See also: zero2

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: toUTF8

toUTF8 = (arr: number[]): string => {
    let result = "";
    let skip = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        const byte = arr[i];
        if (skip > 0) {
        if (byte <= 127) {
            result += String.fromCharCode(byte);
        else if (byte >= 192 && byte <= 223) {
            const byte2 = arr[i + 1];
            skip = 1;
            const codePoint = ((byte & 31) << 6) | (byte2 & 63);
            result += String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
        else if (byte >= 224 && byte <= 239) {
            const byte2 = arr[i + 1];
            const byte3 = arr[i + 2];
            skip = 2;
            const codePoint = ((byte & 15) << 12) | ((byte2 & 63) << 6) | (byte3 & 63);
            result += String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
        else if (byte >= 240 && byte <= 247) {
            const byte2 = arr[i + 1];
            const byte3 = arr[i + 2];
            const byte4 = arr[i + 3];
            skip = 3;
            const codePoint = ((byte & 7) << 18) |
                ((byte2 & 63) << 12) |
                ((byte3 & 63) << 6) |
                (byte4 & 63);
            const surrogate1 = 55296 + ((codePoint - 65536) >> 10);
            const surrogate2 = 56320 + ((codePoint - 65536) & 1023);
            result += String.fromCharCode(surrogate1, surrogate2);
    return result;

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: verify

verify = (msg: BigNumber, sig: Signature, key: Point): boolean => {
    if (typeof BigInt === "function") {
        const zero = BigInt(0);
        const one = BigInt(1);
        const two = BigInt(2);
        const three = BigInt(3);
        const G = {
            x: BigInt("0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798"),
            y: BigInt("0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8")
        const mod = (a: bigint, m: bigint): bigint => ((a % m) + m) % m;
        const modInv = (a: bigint, m: bigint): bigint => {
            let [oldr, r] = [a, m];
            let [olds, s] = [BigInt(1), BigInt(0)];
            while (r !== zero) {
                const q = oldr / r;
                [oldr, r] = [r, oldr - q * r];
                [olds, s] = [s, olds - q * s];
            if (oldr > one)
                return zero;
            return mod(olds, m);
        const modMul = (a: bigint, b: bigint, m: bigint): bigint => mod(a * b, m);
        const modSub = (a: bigint, b: bigint, m: bigint): bigint => mod(a - b, m);
        const four = BigInt(4);
        const eight = BigInt(8);
        interface JacobianPoint {
            X: bigint;
            Y: bigint;
            Z: bigint;
        const pointDouble = (P: JacobianPoint): JacobianPoint => {
            const { X: X1, Y: Y1, Z: Z1 } = P;
            if (Y1 === zero) {
                return { X: zero, Y: one, Z: zero };
            const Y1sq = modMul(Y1, Y1, p);
            const S = modMul(four, modMul(X1, Y1sq, p), p);
            const M = modMul(three, modMul(X1, X1, p), p);
            const X3 = modSub(modMul(M, M, p), modMul(two, S, p), p);
            const Y3 = modSub(modMul(M, modSub(S, X3, p), p), modMul(eight, modMul(Y1sq, Y1sq, p), p), p);
            const Z3 = modMul(two, modMul(Y1, Z1, p), p);
            return { X: X3, Y: Y3, Z: Z3 };
        const pointAdd = (P: JacobianPoint, Q: JacobianPoint): JacobianPoint => {
            if (P.Z === zero)
                return Q;
            if (Q.Z === zero)
                return P;
            const Z1Z1 = modMul(P.Z, P.Z, p);
            const Z2Z2 = modMul(Q.Z, Q.Z, p);
            const U1 = modMul(P.X, Z2Z2, p);
            const U2 = modMul(Q.X, Z1Z1, p);
            const S1 = modMul(P.Y, modMul(Z2Z2, Q.Z, p), p);
            const S2 = modMul(Q.Y, modMul(Z1Z1, P.Z, p), p);
            const H = modSub(U2, U1, p);
            const r = modSub(S2, S1, p);
            if (H === zero) {
                if (r === zero) {
                    return pointDouble(P);
                else {
                    return { X: zero, Y: one, Z: zero };
            const HH = modMul(H, H, p);
            const HHH = modMul(H, HH, p);
            const V = modMul(U1, HH, p);
            const X3 = modSub(modSub(modMul(r, r, p), HHH, p), modMul(two, V, p), p);
            const Y3 = modSub(modMul(r, modSub(V, X3, p), p), modMul(S1, HHH, p), p);
            const Z3 = modMul(H, modMul(P.Z, Q.Z, p), p);
            return { X: X3, Y: Y3, Z: Z3 };
        const scalarMultiply = (k: bigint, P: {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        }): JacobianPoint => {
            const N: JacobianPoint = { X: P.x, Y: P.y, Z: one };
            let Q: JacobianPoint = { X: zero, Y: one, Z: zero };
            const kBin = k.toString(2);
            for (let i = 0; i < kBin.length; i++) {
                Q = pointDouble(Q);
                if (kBin[i] === "1") {
                    Q = pointAdd(Q, N);
            return Q;
        const verifyECDSA = (hash: bigint, publicKey: {
            x: bigint;
            y: bigint;
        }, signature: {
            r: bigint;
            s: bigint;
        }): boolean => {
            const { r, s } = signature;
            const z = hash;
            if (r <= zero || r >= n || s <= zero || s >= n) {
                return false;
            const w = modInv(s, n);
            if (w === zero) {
                return false;
            const u1 = modMul(z, w, n);
            const u2 = modMul(r, w, n);
            const RG = scalarMultiply(u1, G);
            const RQ = scalarMultiply(u2, publicKey);
            const R = pointAdd(RG, RQ);
            if (R.Z === zero) {
                return false;
            const ZInv = modInv(R.Z, p);
            if (ZInv === zero) {
                return false;
            const ZInv2 = modMul(ZInv, ZInv, p);
            const x1affine = modMul(R.X, ZInv2, p);
            const v = mod(x1affine, n);
            return v === r;
        const hash = BigInt("0x" + msg.toString(16));
        if ((key.x == null) || (key.y == null)) {
            throw new Error("Invalid public key: missing coordinates.");
        const publicKey = {
            x: BigInt("0x" + key.x.toString(16)),
            y: BigInt("0x" + key.y.toString(16))
        const signature = {
            r: BigInt("0x" + sig.r.toString(16)),
            s: BigInt("0x" + sig.s.toString(16))
        return verifyECDSA(hash, publicKey, signature);
    else {
        const curve = new Curve();
        msg = truncateToN(msg);
        const r = sig.r;
        const s = sig.s;
        if (r.cmpn(1) < 0 || r.cmp(curve.n) >= 0) {
            return false;
        if (s.cmpn(1) < 0 || s.cmp(curve.n) >= 0) {
            return false;
        const sinv = s.invm(curve.n);
        const u1 = sinv.mul(msg).umod(curve.n);
        const u2 = sinv.mul(r).umod(curve.n);
        const p = curve.g.jmulAdd(u1, key, u2);
        if (p.isInfinity()) {
            return false;
        return p.eqXToP(r);

See also: BigNumber, Curve, JacobianPoint, Point, Signature

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables

Variable: zero2

zero2 = (word: string): string => {
    if (word.length % 2 === 1) {
        return "0" + word;
    else {
        return word;

Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Enums, Variables